Free or discounted Guum Membership

  • 18 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Morning All

I’ve not been on for a while due to treatment complications and deciding to hide myself away with my hair loss. 

Thankfully I’m feeling better now.   I’ve had 2 cycles of the harsh chem and I’ve just had my 5th maintenance chemo which should be less harsh on my body   The first 3 were not but I think that’s because I wasn’t feeling well enough at the time   The fourth enabled me to lead an almost normal life just feeling a bit more tired and so far so good with the 5th I had yesterday.

I’m writing to know if we as terminal cancer patients get any discount or free membership at gyms?  I’ve not worked for years now and have no income so can’t afford to join but on good days it would be lovely to do a short fitness session or a swim to make me feel better.   The steroids and being at home have taken their toll on my body and I would love to lose some weight as well as clear my mind exercising   

Does anyone know if this is possible or is enjoying a reduced or free membership themselves?   It’s such a wonderful idea.    I would love to hear if so? 

Many Thanks

Hilary xxx