How do you stop overthinking every pain??

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Had my second immunotherapy infusion last week.

I has noticed my voice was cracking, like a sore throat without one. My neck was also sore, probably slept funny because i had hurt my back lifting heavy stuff. On Friday I noticed a 'lump' by my jaw. It is sore, like a swollen gland. Before all this I would simply have assumed I have a sore throat/cold. Now I am assuming it is racing through my lymph nodes and growing at the base of my head...


  • Hi  

    I know exactly what you mean. I find myself monitoring any pain I have, when did it start, how long has it continued. I queried with a friend recently whether she thought I was hyper vigilant and she said I wasn't but it's normal in my situation to monitor symptoms and it's best to anyway as it's cancer we're talking about here!

    I would get your lump checked out by the team that deals with your immunotherapy. It could just be a side effect but it's best to check. Let us know how you get on 

    A x

  • Thank you  

    I called the 24 hr hot line and discussed with nurse then had a follow up call.

    I am feeling 100% better. I even managed a 2 mile walk this morning, it has lifted me so much today!

    Got my next infusion on 1st June and then will have scan done to see if treatment is working...I am petrified!

    For now, I will concentrate on having a good weekend! Hope you are doing well. X

  • Great news  

    I'm not too bad thanks. Have a lovely weekend xx

  • I'm glad you called the hot line, it's definitely worth checking up on new symptoms, it's different from precancer life. Best wishes for the next treatment and the scan xxx
