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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Good Morning Everyone

    Up a bit early, bit like a kid, when was going to Saturday morning pictures, those where th days,

    Going to be nice today, so will try and cutbgrass before sun in full swing, other wise to hot in my garden.

    Hope every one is a happy bunny today, i am unless, some one up sets me.


  • I’ll say hello to your cousins when I see them Ulls. I heard that about puffin island but a friend has just got back from Scotland and saw them up close so I’m hoping I’ll be in luck x

  • We’re off to Scotland so see you all in a few weeks . Good luck to anyone with procedures, hospital appointments, scans and results. Annette, hope you get your docs appointment sorted . Eat cake, drink wine and whisky and enjoy the sunshine x

    Jac x

  • Good Morning Ellie, I've just got up sleep well, and I'm very happy to start a new day, sun is shining no cloud's, breakfast ready going to sit on the rear terrace, that sounds grand but no it's only 5 meters square lots of pots and ornaments and light's.

  • Morning

    You enjoy, mine dne with, and been putting washing out,, 

    So that size is a postage stamp lol

    Have a nice day xx

  • No that's the rear then there's the hard standing for 1 car at the side of the garage, the front has the garden.

  • all i know, cut my grass just had an hour siting in it, and i am melting like an ice ream does, all over the place, lol

  • What out of breath using a sit on mower, lol, watching FA cup match

  • Hi everyone, sorry late to the forum today.  I managed a short walk with my friends this morning which was good.  Hope you all have had a good day so far.  The weather is very nice here and I am going to go out and get a little more fresh air I think.  Have a lovely Saturday afternoon and evening all. 

    Jac, enjoy your visit to my homeland :) 

    M x x x x

  • Something odd is going on in your garden, Ben the flowerpot man went for a walk and never came back, now itisme has vanished I think he went for a ride on a tortoise, is your garden like the Bermuda triangle.