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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Love yht , that's a man for you xx

  • Don't know what happened to my emojis try again

  • Ty my friend :) 

  • HI Annette, we’re doing the north coast 500 east to west as advised by someone I met who said everyone does west to east. We’ll be in our microcamper. It’s tiny but has everything we need other than shower and toilet so will need campsites. Pleased to hear the weather will be good for a bit. Heard about the wildfires yesterday so hope that doesn’t happen! I really want to see some puffins, it’s been a dream for many years. And if no one’s be is looking I could pop one in my pocket ! We leave Essex on Saturday to get to Wick on Monday. 

    I was sorry to read on another thread that you’re having such trouble getting a gp appointment. I hope you get some joy soon, that’s rotten.

    love Jac x

  • I've tried to send party emojis but they're not going thru

  • Thank you Ellie, I feel a bit brighter and I believe it takes a couple of days for the full effect to spread around. So fingers crossed it is top grade and thank go for those lovely people who give blood 

    M x x x x 

  • Happy retirement Morton. Hope you can continue to enjoy it and have some lovely things to do in store for when you’re feeling better

    jac xxx

  • Good morning to everyone. Ellie enjoy your shopping trip i thought you might like to know that ive been up since 5am and have done all tasks in need of being done. You have inspired and converted me lol.Have a great day. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Hi Jac if you're thinking off Puffin island just off Northumberland your out of luck the island is off limits due to bird flu but you can get a boat to go round the island take binoculars.

    Wick is a nice town quite fab sea views I have cousins there.

  • Morning Ulls I love your sense of humour it always makes my laugh. Hope you and Mrs Ulls have a great Friday. Is it a s shopping or painting day? Enjoy what ever the plans for today. Love Tricia. xxx