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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Hi Morton, I had a blood transfusion before I left the hospital last month. Now on Tuesday I had to have iron via IV at hospital. Once they found a vein, it was ok until about the last 15 mins or so it got a bit uncomfortable but I just kept saying to myself, hold on and it will be over soon. Then the nurse said I had another session booked for next Tuesday. I thought once and that was it but the nurse said the liver specialist said my blood was getting dangerously low, so wanted to give it a boost with 2 sessions. Oh joy!!

    Hope the blood transfusion works it's magic for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Anndanv so sorry to read that the cellultis has returned again and that you have been in hospital  for more transfusions. Ihave my fingers crossed that you will be a lot better very soon as you have been going through a really hard time. Sending lots of hugs and love. Tricia. xxxx

  • Good morning Annette, we seem to be on a similar path at the moment although I don’t think my bloods are half as bad as yours.  I hope you get benefit from the first session you have had Annette and you will be glad to be home now. 

    Thank you re my transfusion today. 

  • Haha I doubt the Scotsman in me could allow that Ellie.  I will stay as a commoner. 

    M x x x x 

  • Good morning all.  Up and feeling positive about getting into hospital this morning and getting this blood transfusion.  I know it will benefit me greatly. I am impressed with how quick everything happened yesterday. The NHS is great when it works well. 

    Enough about me, Hope you are all doing well today and have nice plans?  The weather is beautiful here this morning.  So if you have nice weather and a wee chance, enjoy it on my behalf! 

    Have the best day all and look after your lovely selfs. 

    M x x x x 

  • Good morning to every one. Good luck to M and Ruby my thoughts are with you both today lots of better days are ahead.  i hope you have all had a good night and today is everything you want it to be. Lots of love to you all. Tricia. xxx

  • Good morning all, hi Trisha how are you today? Hi Morton and Ruby's hope everything goes smoothly for you today and take a good book with you.

    To everyone else, WAKEY WAKEY.

  • Wakey Wakey to you, today no one will be feeling blue,.

    Showing your age Ulls lol, he he xxx

  • Morning everyone Pinch Punch First Day of The Month.

    June, timewaits for no man, soon be Christmas what a thought, thats my wise words for the day,

    Then Rubbish Talk. xx

  • As your a few months older than me, I will show respect to my elders, and agree