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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Have you been discussing matters herpetological? Can sometimes lead to logging on difficulties.

  • So glad your leaving do went well and you all shared a few drinks and memories. Have a great weekend with the camper. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Well jobs done sat in sun to recover now just a hour or so before our friends arrive for cards night, sometimes the cards pause while we chat, and of course meal break.

  • Have a great evening, i hope you win. xxx

  • Hello lovely people! I last wrote on here just over a fortnight ago, when I was about to go to Devon for the weekend. Well I did get to Devon, travelling down with one cousin to then see her sister. All was well, right up until Sunday morning where I had the hotel’s fab swimming pool to myself - bliss! Had breakfast (so far so good) and then the very edited version of events is that things went downhill! Ended up in A&E twice - second visit resulted in me transferring to the Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) for 2 nights. I was discharged and for a few days took baby steps and was very cautious about what I ate. Symptoms started to worsen again and yesterday, I received a 4 hour saline infusion to assist with dehydration. I stayed in AAU last night and returned home this afternoon. It wasn’t food poisoning, unfortunately the medics say my symptoms are down to peritoneal disease. I am delighted to still be here - the past fortnight has put me into direct contact with really amazing NHS staff (my oncology team have been superb for the past 3.5 years so that’s a given!) and fellow patients whose stories I won’’t ever forget.

    So I am back and  intend to hang around for as long as poss!

    Enjoy the sunshine everyone xxxxxxxxx.

  • Hi Ruby, i did wonder where you was, though knew you was going away.

    So sorry to hear all this, but as you say, you are telling us all about it, so that in one way is a good

    You can take it easy now, and the weather enjoy, though with great care.

    Though pleased you are back here with the crazy gang.

     where you belong.


  • Hi Ruby i am so sorry to be reading this news. I am sending you lots of love and hugs. Glad you are back at home i hope you are feeling a little better. xxxxxx

  • Hi Ruby, just read your post that must have been a very worrying time for you, glad your feeling better, your welcome to come to my 100th birthday celebrations, plenty of cake to go round.

  • Good morning all, quite a gray start to the day a slight chill in the air, and for a great change I won the cards night, first time this year JoyJoyJoy

  • Cheating is respectable, don't be ashamed.