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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • I'd have thought that all professionals know not to damage a diabetic feet in anyway, that's why we get them checked every 6 month's, what a Muppet!!!!  

  • Oh Moi, That must have been painful. I refused to allow them to touch my feet and I'm not diabetic!! You have the right to say NO.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That’s good news Bev.  
    just got back from having my MRI scan…not related to my lungs! 
    I have chemo brain. Went to the wrong hospital, the one I’ve always been sent to. So as it’s useless trying to phone with my wonky ears, we did a detour to Wrexham. And bless their hearts…they took pity on this feeble idiot and did the scan there and then. Clap

    oh! I’m well and truly punctured. 4 Attempts at bloods. Veins blew up and hand was swollen at last chemo. So they went into other hand. Today only 2 attempts. 

    I hate needles time to relax now Sunglasses

  • Well what a beautiful day it has been  hope you all have had the same weather.

    Doing my  breakie this morning at 7am, the toast got stuck, so two smoke alarms going one to the dozen could not get them to stop, for goodness sake, get broom, banged them both, yes i broke them and fell to floor,

    Went shopping, came back broke, then phone charger has just broke, never mind can all be replaced.

    In many ways i could say i am broke, but i can not be replaced, Got to laugh, xxx

  • There is something amiss in your life at the moment I think Lady Ellie! Get a family size tub of gorilla glue.

    Bloods done first go, that is a right result.

    I have been wondering why does a senior contributer like Ulls have his avatar as a flowerpot man and why is there only one! I say this as an old person who remembers the TV programme where there were two flowerpot men and a lady weed?. If it is on a 'need to know' basis I understand.

  • Sorry to hear that Ellie, at least the sun shone!

  • Hi Isitme, in answer to your questions, Lady Ellie said an other male and I were like Bill and Ben I christened Ellie, little tweed, unfortunately Ben when Ben went for a walk in the garden he never came back, so my icon showes me and my bestie Lady Ellie.

  • That used to be a perfume years gone by, x

  • All sent to try you, all can be replaced, x

  • Ulls and i will not give away any secrets, though i think he has now told the story, right to the tee,  was three now there is two,