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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Good morning Ulls really glad to read that you enjoyed your night out, were you dancing on the tables i hope so. Have a lovely day whatever plans you have. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Morning MSG. I hope you are feeling ok after your 10th  round of chemo. Really nice that you and Mr J enjoyed your bowling trip. Have a great day . Love Tricia. xxx

  • Thank you so much.  I hope you have a good day today.  I am hoping the road opens up again soon.  The internet is helpful for knowing these things.  Bowling looks relaxing but I guess it get competitive lol 

    M x 

  • Thank you Ulls, me too.  Last cycle wasn’t too bad at all. So i am hopeful for this last one. 


  • Ty so much Tricia.  My appointment isn’t until 1pm so I have plenty of time and plenty time to renavigate the road closures etc.  Ty for the good wishes.  Let’s get it done and get the side effects in the memory bank lol 

    Always ready to party ;) 

    M x 

  • Ohh one ear mono listening is maybe more enjoyable under certain circumstances. Sounds like a good night 


  • Thanks Tricia. On my 3rd day so not too bad. Have just walked Ollie for 30mins now waiting for a very dear friend to come and change and make my bed. She doesn’t really need to but loves to do it for me. She’s so lovely. 
    Getting more use to my chemo routine now. At first it was awful. The reduced strength has helped, I don’t even need to take anti sickness pills. 
    another beautiful day. Will have to think of going to live in Spain Stuck out tongue winking eye

    lots of love xxx


  • Very competitive M. It’s quite entertaining to watch though. They call themselves ‘the coffin dodgers’ Laughing

    Mr J thrives on competition but only in sport which doesn’t really help me! Ulls is more useful Grin

    hope all goes well with you today. You are in my thoughts xxx


  • My first session and all good till day 3 after treatment.   Bad bad headache.  Following day tiredness    Next day vomiting!!!  Is this kinda how chemo works??? Washed out today after yesterday so resting up 

    Thought I might be past the side effects for this session.  

  • Yes, it starts to kick in in day 3. I’ve not experienced sickness or headaches. Just feel completely wiped out. Day 5 is the worst. It’s the same every time for me. I know what to expect now but at Blush first it was frightening. Now I know I’m going to get through and be fine. You will be the same Blush 

    Judy xxxx