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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • The  first chapter of my life, started at 16, and many chapters  followed , good times, bad times, ups and downs of life and every one tells a story, 


  • Hurrah enjoy the time in the Garden and I hope the pain goes away. 

  • Hi, I've been an infrequent visitor of late but just wanted to put my head round the door and say Hello to everyone.

    I was really enjoying myself in the sunny spell pottering in the garden and then put my back out - not for the first time.

    Came in and sat down with a cuppa and out it popped. Twing! Instant agony.

    So annoyed with myself but now just getting about again after  a 'rest and pills' period of inactivity. I have been sooo bored.

    Hope to get back to the rockface soon. I've an exhibition to get to grips with so time to get cracking.

    Love to you all.



  • So glad you are getting back on track Rainie. Do you mean a REAL rockface?!?! 
    I wonder when/if I’ll ever get back the hills. xxxx


  • I’m surrounded by hills in N Wales and they are so tempting. 

  • No, not a real rockface Judy. We only have slopes in Norfolk compared to what you have. They're enough to be honest! Hope you are having a restful day.

    Rainie x

  • Bye the bye, how is it when you mean to do nothing, you end up killing yourself with overwork but when you have good intentions of doing plenty, you do nothing.?

    I will attempt to ask more intelligent questions in the future, just sitting on the settee aching more than I did this morning when I decided on a lazy day.

    I realise I used the word 'future', I try not to tempt providence.

  • Ooooops sorry, I do forget thing's especially name's but I know it began with a J, I'm on the naughty step now, 1 minute for each year so 4 minutes GrinGrinGrinGrin

  • Hi I when to Wales when I was in my teens, 4 of us doing a tour of west coast we got to Wales on a Sunday and it was shut, we were told it's Sunday everyone is in chapel. 

  • Joy I’ll let you off! I’ve been called worse names than Joyce Stuck out tongue closed eyes

    hope you’ve enjoyed the beautiful weather SunnySunglasses this is my sort of weather Relaxed