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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Morning Ellie i hope you had a great birthday yesterday. Thanks for the cake it was delicious. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Hi, Morton agree on shopping, in fact

    a bottle of wine is cheaper, so i know the answer, today..

    I really hope today  has the answer Morton, and thoughts will be with yo.

    Later xxxu.

  • I did, lol, had company son, his wife, granddaughter, and a take away and yes more wine, than perhaps  i should have,

    Got to bed at 12, and did not want to get up,

    Glad you enjoyed the cake, must do it again, next year, i aim for that.

    You have a lovely day, xxxx


  • Looking forward to it already. Really glad that you had a great day. You should have had a lie in and spend today resting. Love Tricia. xxx

  • You are forever the optimist Ellie. Love you girl. No wonder you were quite yesterday Smile

    i’ts hard not being able to taste the wine!! It’s my granddaughter’s 16th BBQ tomorrow and I’ve asked my son to get me some nonalcoholic wine so that I don’t feel left out! 

    it’s raining hereSmirk

    Judy xxxx

  • Hi get this chemo out the way, and hopefully , will be it .

    Yes it is hard, and just start picking up, then another.

    Iknow we all have cancer, though you do not realise, how perhaps you and i, same cancer as such, though get different,.

    Not until one starts looking i in to it, and you find out so much. well i haver.

    Only a few months ago, i was told i am suitable for target therapy, i tablet form, when needed,

    Tight that is enough.

    Enjoy your day while you can, xxxx

  • Oh Judy, lol thanks, have to be lol, my attitude is, i cannot change anything, have done everything i can,

    I do have down days, then big girl knickers on.

    I will tell you, had eye test Wednesday and got told, 2 cataracts really bad, and have to come out soon, i was gutted, then up we go.

    I did not even know, thought i needed new lenses, i did think i cannot keep doing this,

    Though have to,

    My daughter, has her appointment June for follow up after mastectomy , i have to support her,

    So onward and upwards, 

    Onwards and Upwards, xxx

  • Good morning all, I thought I was up early at 7.15, as far as your all concerned that's a lie in.

    Morton hope you're appointment has a positive outcome, your just like me wanting to know the full facts regardless, and both our teams spend another year in the championship, premiere next year as league champion's.

    Hi Judy's if more chemo is the way forward well just keep going and don't let this evil bugger win easily.

    Lady Ellie enjoy your shopping,we did ours yesterday, I'm happy with that firstly is raining second daughter and SIL are coming about 10.00, just to help me eat my tunnock wafer's, kid's!

  • You have a wonderful fighting spirit that has got you this far and will get you the rest of the way Ellie. Yes, we walk along side our kids through thick and thin. Here’s hoping it will be good news for your daughter. 

    hope you don’t have to wait too long to have your cataracts done. It will be great when you will be able to see clearly again. 

    I have open angle glaucoma. I was forced to go private. So glad I did as the NHS on this occasion was not giving me the confidence I needed. Up to now the chemo hasn’t done too much damage to the eye pressure but they he is keeping an eye on me…excuse the pun Grin

    have my MRI scan next Friday for the ovary anomaly. Haven’t told many folk but I can share it on here. 
    I can’t face the questions , ‘how did it go’ 

    Judy xxxx

  • sorry the comment i cant face the question, how did it go? not sure what it means