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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Hi Ellie that's what I thought so I spoke to them and they asked me lots of questions about the cancer and where it is, after a couple of days the came back to me and said that they would still use the organ's that have not been infected, heart, lungs, eyes, liver ect, go for it my response.

  • Good (very early) morning.  Ulls, i didn’t know you could till donate bits of yourself if you were going out this way.  That is helpful to know as I would also be happy for them to take what they need!  Up a little early for a wee cup of tea but will go back to bed for a bit.  I have what I would call a key oncology appointment today.  This one will or should clarify the short term future of treatment, so it will be good to know what they think is the best way forward. I will let all you lovey people know of course. 

    Hope you all have a Good Friday.  Ellie, hope your Friday shopping goes well.  I can’t believe the price of things just now. We were in shop last Friday and got literally 5 or.6 items and it was over 30 quid.  Someone is making a lot of money somewhere!! Anyway verging on the political so ignore my rant lol! 

    Take care all 

    M x x x x 

  • Back on steroids so woke up at a ridiculous hour (2:30!) answered my lovely friend’s message from Thailand and thankfully drifted off again. A busy day today. Picking my repaired laptop up (Horray) at 10am. 

    watching MrJ play bowls at 1pm then heading off for chemo! for 4pm.  I never seem to have a leisurely day!!

    hope it goes well for you M. I’m hoping chemo doesn’t have to carry on. See my oncologist in 3 weeks. He’s booked me an appointment to see him the day I should have my 11th chemo…so here’s hoping I’m not due another one. Will let you know. It’s been making me very tired and it’s an effort to keep going. 

    yes, the cost of living is a struggle. Thankfully I don’t have to buy a lot of logs! So I’m saving there.through the summer.  

    wishing you all a good day folks. 

    Judy xxxxx

  • Hi Judy, that is a busy day!! 4pm is a late start for chemo!! How long does yours take?  I hope you are done but if they feel it’s worth keeping going then maybe stick with it?  The steroids are quite something aren’t they!  It’s more for me if I waken at all then I am completely wide awake immediately! It’s an odd feeling.  Thank you for the good wishes, no matter what at least i will know what the short term future looks like, I prefer to know these things! 

    Have a great day Judy.  Hope Mr J gets a victory

    M x x x

  • Good morning M you have certainly been up early, hope you managed to go back to bed and get some rest. Saying good luck with your appointment doesnt feel like enough. My thoughts and positive wishes will be with you. I am also sending hugs galore and lots of love. Tricia. xxx

  • I had 6 chemos at 80% strength the others have been 60% although I haven’t needed anti sickness tablets the fatigue affect has been just the same and the Steroids throw me out. The chemo is only 10mins but I have the flush as well so it can  take up to 2 hours depending how busy the lovely nurses are. They never stop. 
    MrJ lives for sport so I try and support him in any way I can. First it was football (he was a good footballer in his day) played No. 7 and looked like Georgie Best! Then it was cricket now it’s crown green bowls. In the winter he follows his beloved Seattle Seahawks has done for over 40 years. 

    you’re braver than me M I don’t want to know about the future when I see my oncologist and I think he knows this. 

    bless you M for remaining strong Muscle 

    Judy xx

  • Morning Judy my thoughts and best wishes are on there way to you. Ihave my fingers crossed that your chemo session goes well. Im not surpised that you are feeling tired after 10 lots of chemo. Im sending you big hugs and lots of love and we all want you to find the strength and effort, you need. I hope Mr J wins . Take care my fingers are crossed both you and M. xxxxxx 

  • Thank you Tricia, I did manage another hour or sleep which was nice, Hope you are doing ok Tricia, thank you so much for the good wishes. 

    M x x 

  • Good luck with it today Judy…I will be thinking about you.  


  • OMG Good Morning, is every one on steroids  quiet a few on steriods,

    I hope you all today, have a smooth ride in every way.

    We have to just  keep going forward, with it.

    Nice weather wise here at moment, 
