Thank you!

  • 6 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Joining this group was the best thing I could have done. It has made me feel 'normal' again, not alone and not as scared.

When I joined a few weeks ago I was so angry and completely petrified.

Next week i will have my second immunotherapy infusion. I am ready to face living with this sod!

Thank you.



  • Hugs JB. Keep on keeping on.  Hoping that your treatment is doing its thing. Rainie x

  • I get you Jo. I entered a black hole but gradually crawled out if it. But with this group you can share anything, our joys and our sorrows and a lorra laughs along the way. 
    sending hugs Hugging Judy xx

  • Hi Jo, hand on heart, I have been thinking about you and wondered how things were going. Didn’t want to appear nosey or intrude hence not contacting you. Am really pleased to hear that you are having your second infusion next week. I am delighted you find this group a help, I do too - until a few weeks ago, I had other health issues to deal with and cancer (strange as it may sound), took a backseat. Like you and all the fab people on here, I don’t feel alone with my thoughts and worries. Plus we all have a laugh and are ‘living with cancer.’ Very best wishes to you xxxxxxxx.

  • Thank you!

    I am feeling a lot better than I did when I wrote my first post.

    Hope you are doing well. Xxx

  • Hi Jo, great to hear that you feel a lot better. I had a blood transfusion last Tuesday, due to anaemia, and started my second cycle of my chemo tablet, Capecitabine, this evening Thumbsup tone1. You take care xxxxxx.

  • Hi  

    Hello Jo, I'm pleased you are in a better headspace. This group is fab, loads of support and people that 'get' how we feel. Onwards and upwards with that treatment!

    A x