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  • 44 subscribers

Does anyone else thinks its cold. I'm laid under a heated blanket. Went hospital about my spots n guess what. No-one nos what they are .gave me cream. I was supposed to get a scan this month and they informed me today they forgot to request another long month of been anxious.x

  • Yes! It is cold sat on the front at Rhos on Sea eating ice cream!!! How crazy is that. The sun Sunny️ can fool you. 
    So sorry you’ve had a bad day Slight frown hope the cream works. That’s bad news that they forgot to request a scan for you. Sending hugs Hugging 

    judy xx

  • Yes back in thermals Bev, I’ve bought more online too as shops not selling them now and too cold at night at the moment. Going to Scotland in June so think I’ll need a few sets! Thing is I’m cold cold cold, then suddenly hot lol! Heating is still on x

    Jac x

  • I just cudnt get warm yday. Didnt even feel hungry all day. I've just got up after 11 hrs in bed. Feel loads better. I fancy Scotland I've been looking at national holidays but no single rooms left. Hope you are well xx

  • Hi Bev.

    I'm feeling the cold as well. I still have my heated blanket on the bed and I have one you can take with you and wrap up in. I hate the cold, incidentally my hands and feet and only my hands and feet seem to be cold all the time I never seem to get them warm, I have immunotherapy every 3 weeks and i was wondering if that has anything to do with being cold? I've asked the specialist consultant, doctor etc but they just brush the question away and don't give and answer, but sometimes they are that cold they cause me some pain . Any ideas advice welcome

    Have a good day everyone

    Donna xxx

    1. Aww Donna in sorry to hear that. Yes I no what you mean sometimes you are brushed aside. I feel like that with all these spots on my legs. No matter who I see and ask no one nos it's so frustrating asif we haven't got enough to deal with without the added extras. I've had like a wound on my grion for 7 months still no one nos why or just won't heal so I just get told nothing we can do it must be your immune system. Im currently on phone trying for appointment with nurse . Have you tried them hardwarmers you could get them in primark maybe they cud help a bit xx
  • Only thing I can suggest is thermal socks (2pairs) and sheepskin slippers. That works on my feet but hands are another problem. Other than fingerless gloves which don’t really help I have no suggestions Hamhat sorry. Roll on summer! X

  • Oooh Donna that's interesting.  I'm always freezing and it started about 9 months before my diagnosis.  Thermals still in use here! Like you, I mentioned it to my onco recently. He swung round to his desk and checked my bloods. T3 and T4 are on the minimum of normal range which would explain why I'm cold but TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) is bang in the middle which makes him a bit reluctant to add synthetic hormones to correct.