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Lovely morning - daily chit chat Thread - no 11

  • 896 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Morning, new thread, other, has had a few replies.

Normal chit chat, talk about every day life, what you are doing for the day, bloods, scans app, though if a special topic, please start another thread..

Enjoy every day the best you can,

  • Hi Ellie what are you up to tomorrow,  I'm going to give my sister a hand in the Age UK charity shop were she works, if the volunteer doesn't turn up again, just for  an hour over the lunch, it will be a change anyway. I'll probably scare Scream the customers away ha ha xx


  • You may love it Moi but more than likely you wouldn't, the story of my life!

  • Goodnight all. Just days, weeks and months, even years of tablets, injections, scans, bloods and all the detritus of living with cancer. Not surprising we are all turning loopy.

    ( I know, speak for myself)

  • Sorry, that was a bit deep, I'm not normally philosophical! 

  • Ha ha Joy  I may or may not !!!


  • Good night Chalky, have a good rest, you can chat away tomorrow Sleeping xx


  • Good morning everyone.  How are we all today?  it feels as though many of us are going through the mill a wee bit these days.  It is no surprise but there is a lot of strength in this wee chit chat thread and you lot have kept me going through some tough times over the last while.  It anyone needs to vent vent away :)  It’s an early start for me as I had one of those crappy sleeps but I don’t feel too tired, probably the steroids again as they put them back up the way.  I was needing a laugh and I started watching Colin from accounts on BBC?  An Australian comedy, not sure if anyone has seen it but it does appeal to my sense of humour.  Worth a try it anyone is looking for something to raise a smile.  Weather is looking grey here today but it is early yet so it might pick up later.

    Have a nice morning all, I will check in later to see what’s happening.  Hope you are all getting your party outfits ready.  It’s not everyday I retire…well it feels as though it has been lol.  Anyway the clock is ticking towards my  eemmmm carriage clock!

    M x x  

  • Good morning M.  Its so annoying if you have a crappy nights sleep as its the one thing that gives us a break from it all. Like you the people in this group have given me the strength to deal with it all. Never thought i would laugh again until i found this group and the people in it. Although ive never met the people in the group it feels like ive known them for years thats how comfortable and welcoming you all are. Really looking forward to the party Outfit is nearly done made it slightly larger than necessary so ive got room to eat lots of cake lol. The sun is shining here at the moment hope it lasts. So no gold watch for your retirement so what you will always be of gold standard amongst us. Have a great day . Love Tricia. xxx

  • A very good morning to you too Morton. It was great to read that you did karaoke at the weekend! Heart️I think our cat Phoebe missed me yesterday as I was at the hospital for several hours (thank you to Annette for the heads up on this!) - I am watching YouTube at the mo with Phoebe on the back ofSunnythe sofa - she went out this morning for all of 3 minutes and has been my shadow ever since. Thanks for saying about the ‘venting’ - there’s light and shade in all our lives, hopefully lots of ligSunnyt and sunshine Sunny️ and for me, Cancer has always been put in a drawer whilst I have got on with my life. However, in the past few weeks, it’s been very noisy (the cancer,that is) and I have SO needed you lovely group of people, ‘Colin from Accounts’ sounds like my kind of humour - will look out for that!