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Lovely morning - daily chit chat Thread - no 11

  • 896 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Morning, new thread, other, has had a few replies.

Normal chit chat, talk about every day life, what you are doing for the day, bloods, scans app, though if a special topic, please start another thread..

Enjoy every day the best you can,

  • LOL Tell me about it, i had them last years, vixen had her cubs under my shed,i did not know, till i see the five playing in my garden, was lovely at start, but got bigger and bigger, and will not leave till sep, this was end of April, then the adult 4,50 every night brought, large lumps of meat for them, she would come in garden, they would all sucking of her,

    They destructed my garden then knocking on my patio doors every morning, i had foot balls, shoes, bits plastic where they got it from, they never left my garden fingers crossed, not this year,

    I have not planet anything, they pulled everything up last year, so lets see, xxx

  • Sorry to hear that Ellie Slight frown. Where we live now, I have seen one fox in the 11 years we’ve been here so I am a bit out of the loop with the downsides of foxes. Here’s hoping they find a different home/den (from yours) this yearFingers crossed tone1.xxxxxxxxx

  • LOL They had better, 5 cubes ,mother and another bringing the food, was hatd work, but what else would one do lol

    Well shopping now away, hate that bit, but where needs must, and we have had no rain today, thins are looking up. xxx.

  • Aww that sounds lovely Blush l I love foxes too. I like all animals. I haven’t been given the tablets yet. My Oncologist just happened to mention them. I thought they would be easier as I wouldn’t have to keep doing a 22mile round trip for chemo at the hospital. 
    I’ve led an active life. 7 mission trips to Africa, Peru (went up Machu Pichu…amazing) Hungary. Painting an old peoples refuge, visiting orphanages, HIV centres. Supporting local football teams in Zambia. Teaching British Sign Language (I’m hard of hearing) in an amazing school in Zambia Flag zm so it’s hard trying to pull the reins in! Stuck out tongue winking eye
    But it is what it is and my family and friends have been amazing will I ever get use to my change in direction…I just looking for a sense of purpose! 

  • How can you do all that? I have to lay down after opening a tin of beans.

    I will see if I can give any tips so as you can lead a more lazy life.I am an expert in such things.

    You are in serious need of help. Xxx

  • Rofl Waiting for the tips Chalkdust! But a few days after chemo I do have to surrender Smirk xxx

  • Wow! What an interesting and amazing life you have led,so far Clap tone1.I love all animals apart from big spiders! I have recently completed my first cycle of Capecitabine chemo tablets - can cause diarrhoea but I haven’t had that. I hope once you get into a routine with the tablets, your side effects (if any) are minimal. You are a very ‘giving’ person in view of all the amazing work and travels you have done. I am pleased to hear you have the support of family and friends. I agree, a sense of purpose is so important and you more than deserve a rest whilst you make future plans. xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Have you thought, about, doing your own journal, of your life, experiences,and adventures, put it all down in your own words,  and put pen to paper,

    I would think, you would be capable, of writing an interesting , adventure, xxx

  • Oh! I have a phobia about spiders Scream anything bigger than a money spider I just freak out! 
    you should have seen the one in my tent in Zambia it was the size of a tarantula the team I was with are going back to Zambia next year  it’s so hard not to be going with them. 

    I see that there are different types of chemo tablets. It’s good to be able to talk about treatments xxxxx

  • No I haven’t thought about writing a journal. 
    I have done PowerPoint presentations. I’m not an upfront speaker but when I talk about Zambia I get so excited that people can’t shut me up Joy

    One of my trips to Hungary was special too. I helped renovate a listed building by chipping old plaster off the walls and mixing cement. Me and my friend had such a laugh. The building was being renovated to house mothers and children that had been separated (the children were in orphanages) because they afforded accommodation to be together. 

    judy xxxxx