Worn out

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  • 46 subscribers

Well after my busy week minding the animals I came home cut my grass went to town as I snapped my phone charger amd dropped my vape in the bath ( glad it was the vape and not my phone ) then slept all night and slept for hour this morning on couch.  I think I've overdone myself. Hope yous all have a lovely weekend. I've got nothing planned except going up my old works to have my dinner on Sunday and see my lovely residents who I miss so so much. How i wish I was doing My 12 hr shifts and looking after them old people. Some staff ask me if I would go back.  That answer is yes in a heartbeat but can I risk working in a care home with all the bugs that come with it. Esp covid .anyway I think I've said enough lol. So happy weekend everyone. Take care stay safe. Oh I dont think my sons gf was happy as I put something behind her plant. Basically accused me of killing the plant as it was drooping. My reply was if you tried watering it then maybe it wouldn't droop.  Actually fuming I was she never even said thanks for minding the animals or thanku for all the tidying up you have done . Angry doesn't come close to how I'm feeling. Thanks for reading my rant xx

  • I think she needs a good slap Bev after everything you've done.. goodness me how ungrateful.

    Rest up now so you can be fresh for sunday.

    Cat x

  • Hi  

    Read your rant, I know how you feel, she'll probably text you to ask where you've moved stuff to when you've been tidying (that's what happens to me). Ungrateful b*ggers.

    I don't know if you'd have the stamina for a 12hour shift, I know I definitely wouldn't. Enjoy your Sunday dinner and seeing the old folks, they'll be pleased to see you.

    A x

  • That's wat I feel like doing to her. Ungrateful so n so. I'm supposed to be goin back in June to mind them again well if I do I won't be doin anything except take the dog for walk. Something that she doesn't even do. X

  • Think I'd suggest they bring the dog to you, so you can be at home and not get tempted to do their housework as well!

  • They also have 2 cats. I'm saying they they actually her animals she had them yrs b4 she got with my son x

  • Oh Bev the ungrateful madame, you have a good rest next time tell your son to bring the pets to you and leave her at home. After all you don't need upset. Sending hugs xx


  • Hello Bev, I am sorry to hear about your son’s gf’s negative reaction - I used to work in a cafe on a Sunday and every Monday, without fail, our manager (who worked alternate Saturdays), would find fault with anything and everything, very demoralising.. We didn’t ever get, ‘well done’ for anything. I suspect the gf feels miffed that their place is now looking nice (thanks to you) and is being defensive/embarrassed. Be proud of yourself, you worked really hard whilst staying there and the fab animals would have loved you looking after them. Yes, if you house/flat sit again, NO housework! Enjoy your dinner on Sunday - I bet the residents loved you but 12 hour shifts take their toll and you need to save your energy for trips to Ibiza.  Sending you a hug Hugging xxxxxxxxxxx.

  • Hi Bev, Well I don't think your son's gf appreciates all you do and all you have done for her! I'm sure you struggle, or like me employ someone to do housework for you because it is too much, so why should you do hers when she is so ungrateful. If it was me, I'd be saying to my son " I'm really sorry but I won't be able to look after the animals etc in June as planned because it was all just too much for me and I was worn out!"  I wouldn't even mention how nasty the gf was because you don't want to bring yourself down to her level! Let her find someone else to be her animal sitter!

    You enjoy your meal and catch up on Sunday with people who do appreciate you and I'm sure miss you. Let the gf find someone else to look after her animals!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Bev.

    Well what an ungrateful so and so she is. I hope your son has something to say to her about behaviour towards you. I'm sure the animals was pleased to have you care for them and I was very happy following your trip. I was in hospital when you was pet sitting so I had a smile every day at your post, so please know that someone appreciated you.

    It does sound like you've over done it a bit, so have a good rest and get you strength back and enjoy yourself on Sunday with your friends for lunch.

    Have fun hugs Donna

  • Just think about how much the dog will appreciate you when you go back on June. I'm sure the dog would have something to say to her about it if only they could speak. 
