Dazed and confused

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Good afternoon all, so having to learn to live with stage 4  incurable rectal cancer is difficult to say the least. So I thought life life to the full. Extra challenge is learning to cope with stoma bag . So weather really good over weekend decided to cut the grass. Not a good move on my part, absolutely knackered me.

  Had nurse today to flush my PICC line and take blood, flush went well taking blood a different story, loads of oh dear not happening, can you stand up, can you put your arm out, can you raise your arm above your head, after all of that makes call to be told can happen try flushing again. So flushed again no blood bearing in  mind I have chemotherapy tomorrow I start thinking can't do it with out blood test. In then end Nurse managed to find a vein and takes my  blood. What a relief, then get asked have you done any strenuous recently said tried to cut the grass, oh that could be the problem your PICC line might have moved, oh great i think so have to have x-ray tomorrow before chemotherapy to check PICC line location plus now have to wait to be measured for a stoma activity belt as I could get a hernia. Told not to do anything strenuous. Just wondering how can I live my life to the full. 

Sorry for long winded rant just feeling so low after this morning.