Dazed and confused

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  • 48 subscribers

Good afternoon all, so having to learn to live with stage 4  incurable rectal cancer is difficult to say the least. So I thought life life to the full. Extra challenge is learning to cope with stoma bag . So weather really good over weekend decided to cut the grass. Not a good move on my part, absolutely knackered me.

  Had nurse today to flush my PICC line and take blood, flush went well taking blood a different story, loads of oh dear not happening, can you stand up, can you put your arm out, can you raise your arm above your head, after all of that makes call to be told can happen try flushing again. So flushed again no blood bearing in  mind I have chemotherapy tomorrow I start thinking can't do it with out blood test. In then end Nurse managed to find a vein and takes my  blood. What a relief, then get asked have you done any strenuous recently said tried to cut the grass, oh that could be the problem your PICC line might have moved, oh great i think so have to have x-ray tomorrow before chemotherapy to check PICC line location plus now have to wait to be measured for a stoma activity belt as I could get a hernia. Told not to do anything strenuous. Just wondering how can I live my life to the full. 

Sorry for long winded rant just feeling so low after this morning.

  • That sounds very relaxing  . I don't think anyone would have appreciated me listening to my iPod during chemo. I sing along and think I sound like Mariah when actually it sounds more like strangling cats haha x

  • Luckily I have sound deadening head phones so know one could here, plus I was in a room on my own. I really did help me get through it, the temptation to sing along was there but I just closed my eyes and just relaxed.

  • Sounds very relaxing xx

  • Hello Benji and welcome to the group. Am I speaking to a fellow Eagles fan? I love em to bits.

    So my dear, no more 'Life in the Fast Lane' for us - just 'Learn to be still'.

    Big hugs from Rainie x

  • Hi Rainie, yes you are talking to an Eagles fan, what a fantastic band shame I will never see them live. I have nearly all their albums and dvds. Plus  Cass county Don Henley , analogue man Joe Walsh and leap of faith Timothy B Schmit. Deffo no life in the fast lane for me, I find their music helps. 

     I am the original Analogue man in a digital world as my grown up children say.

     Nice talking to you hope things are as good as can be with you.

  • I was lucky to see them at Leeds Arena, but that was after Glenn died so was with Vince and Deacon. I took my daughter with me and it was an incredible evening, but that's the only time I've seen them. I'm now immune-suppressed, so couldn't risk seeing them at Hyde Park on their last tour here - but I doubt I could have managed it anyway - it's an exhausting day even if you're fit.

    So now, we wear out the concert DVDs and hope for some more to come out. I was hoping they'd bring out a concert DVD of their Hotel California tour. Fingers crossed!

    I just love Don Henley. Yes, I've got all the stuff, but not Timothy's one - will have to have a listen. Thankyou - I missed that one. Yes, I agree, the music helps lift me up too.

    Hope to chat more. 

    Don't forget to give yourself light and love, and lots of treats.

    Rainie x

  • Hello Benji, apologies for my belated welcome to this lovely group of people. I look forward to getting to know you. Very best wishes.

  • Hi Ruby3016, thank you for the welcome, I'm sure overtime you will get to know me, have a read of my profile might give you an idea what I am coping with, but hopefully you will notice I may rave and rant about mowing my lawn, for me life still goes on and with the wonderful people in this group we can be positive and help.

        I currently have a peaceful easy feeling and I am an analogue man in a digital world.

  • Benji, Some guy on here bought a robot mower which he said did all the work for him. I know it's a gadget, but if it helps.....   Rainie x

  • Hi Rainieday,

         Thanks for that might need to have a look into it, need to get it a bit shorter first as it is still a bit too long.