Not such a Good Day!

  • 26 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I am writing this on behalf of Tvman who wanted to let you know he will be absent from the Forum for a bit.

Mrs T. Sent away the Bowl Screening Kit they send every two years. She got a phonecall to say further tests were necessary because blood was found in the sample. They arranged a Scope but it had to be cancelled because they all had Covid. It was rearranged for the other day and afterwards the doctor diagnosed bowel cancer.

As yet they have not mentioned what stage but there will be a meeting on Wednesday to discuss what comes next. Tvman will therefore be going to the usual initial appointments to support his wife, the way she has been supporting him, so his mind will be on his family rather than the Forum.

Of course it is devastating news for the family, I myself was shocked when I heard. I'm sure all our thoughts and best wishes are with them.


Take Care, love Annette xxx

  • Hi Morton, of course I will let him know. I pass on all the messages and they are very grateful for everyone's support.

    Whe I get an update, you will too but with it being over the Easter Holiday Weekend, nothing much happen!,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Everyone, I just got a message from Tvman to say Mrs T has a scan this Friday! So that's a positive moves after the Easter Holidays. I'm pleased and relieved they are moving quickly!

    Also Tvman has an appointment himself next week.


    I will keep you posted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette and everyone. Many many thanks for all your good wishes and support. 

    A big thank you to you especially Annette for relaying the shock news. When we went for the appointment to let us know the results of the ultrasound scan, neither of us were expecting to hear that my wife has bowel cancer. My wife was told before I was brought into the ward and then when I was being told the tears came into my eyes. I looked at the nurse and could hardly speak to tell her that I also have cancer. She said she knew that because my wife had told her and on hearing that I found my voice again.p Tomorrow my wife is going for a CT scan and we'll be going to hear the results on Wednesday next week. We feel numb probably because of the shock diagnosis. 

    I'll keep Annette informed and she can relate our news.

    Thank you everyone, I'm signing out for a while

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • I have just caught up with this sad news, love to Tvman and Mrs Tvman and best wishes for the scan tomorrow. 


  • Hi Tvman  sending you both ĥugs and thinking of you both in my prayers, xx


  • Hi Tvman, 

    I will be thinking of your wife and you. It will have been a shock to both of you, however just know you have a lot of support from all of us. Take care my prayers are for you both hugs 

    When and if you have time it would be great to have an update, however Annette has done a brilliant job keeping us up to date so it would be great if Annette can update if you are busy supporting your wife. 


  • Hi Annette, Donna and everyone, my wife was at hospital last Friday and the bowel consultant took six biopsies this time. She thinks he said that he would phone her with the results later today, Tuesday 2nd May and she will be in hospital this week for surgery to remove polyps. That's all I can tell you right now except that Mrs Tvman is worried sick. 

    Take care everyone 

    Love life and family.
  • Oh Tvman , what a horrible time you two have. I really hope with the surgery they are able to remove all. Still a worrying time. Big hug to the both of you and fingers crossed. 

  • At least things are moving quickly, even with all these Bank Holidays. Mrs T's team seem to be on the ball. Let's hope this all ends with good news soon. Love to you both, take care.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thinking of you and your wife Mr TvMan. Trust that the prompt response from the cancer team will be a positive thing. Pray tone2
