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Lovely morning - daily chit chat thread - no 10

  • 789 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hello everyone, here is the new lovely morning thread for all our daily chit chat. 

  • That’s so t rue Ruby. Play is the foundation of learning what a huge contribution you made. That was a forward thinking school! Play seems to be planned out of the curriculum or managed now 

    Jac x

  • So sorry to hear this and for your Loss Ulls. Take care 

  • Not at all, everyone is welcome to join in.  The learning goes on more so in play groups and scout groups I think. The scours was the making of one of my nephews.  The gave hime a love of the outdoors, he started climbing and now works in rope access.  Talk about turning your hobby into a job, all stated by volunteers at the scouts.  Thank you for the kind feedback Ruby 

    M x 

  • Dear Ulls I'm so sorry to hearing of your big sister passing. Its so hard to bear. Sending hugs and thinking of you xx


  • Hi Ellie Wave I was really pleased to have started my treatment , but like you I've some wonderful side effects, diabetes, the itch itch itch , constipation,  fatigue,  lumps in my groin, but hay ho I'm still here to tell the tale.

    Got my scan results this afternoon. No change at all yay, STILL STABLE MABLE, over the moon. Had a great Easter in Llandudno, did alot of walking again but stayed of the Great Orhm this time.

    Glad you also had a good Easter with your family and your son helped with the cooking. Nice to be home. xx


  •  VView from our room. Was really nice break xx


  • Very pleased to hear,  Stable Mable, onward and upwards.

    Lol side effects do take their toll as well. though a small price to pay, though can get you down as wel.

    LOL The itch, i used to scratch  so much while asleep arms all bleeding, as blood thinners did not help.

    Bought every cream going, and then found the one that solved all the problems, such a relief lol, small pleasures of life.

    Glad you has a lovely weekend, does you good, my weekend, was what i needed, like old times in this house hold.xxxx

  • That is great news  stable Mable is always good to hear. Glad you had a nice weekend away as well.

    I've been away from the site for a few days, I have been suffering with an inner ear imbalance (labyrinthitis). Still feeling a little dizzy, and trying to concentrate is difficult, but trying to catch up with everyone's posts. x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  •   I am so sorry to hear your news about your sister. My thoughts are with you x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Chelle, sorry you've got that horrible ear infection. I wear 2 hearing aids and Iif I get a cold or congestion it effects my balance, so I do sympathise with you hope it goes soon xx
