Being positive is a load of b******s. Despite all our good intentions, Stage 4 cancer gets everyone in the end.

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Sorry for the Debbie Downer title.

But, Ive just had a letter showing my latest scan results and the latest plan of action.   Its not good news.

So, after an initial 'good' scan that showed tumour shrinkage and stability in other areas,  the latest 2 scans show significant growth in the main tumour  and also 'progression' in other areas.


To make matters worse they've

(I'm assuming it's 'they'  as I imagine them sitting round in groups of three saying things like  'yep, this one passes, keep her on treatment.  This one?  Nope, not wasting any more money on this one.  Next!)

...they've decided to stop immunotherapy altogether, because I keep showing toxic reactions.

Just want to warn people that if you're on the NHS and you miss  3 months of immunotherapy, they will NOT restart it.  I wish I'd known known this. I'm not sure if I could have done anything differently, but I wish I'd known.

And if my latest blood test results are 'off' they may even stop the maintenance chemo.  It will basically be a bit of radiotherapy then, Bye!  off to the hospice with you!  Close the door on your way out.  


As you can imagine, after months of really looking after myself, and keeping active and eating All the right foods, doing all the right things, keeping strong etc etc

Oh and don't forget that old chestnut of 'it's important to 'keep a positive mental attitude' (eye roll)

It has done, wait for it!   Drum Roll............SWEET.  F.    A.   

ive come to the conclusion and its taken me a while, that Cancer will do what it wants to do, and no amount of keeping busy and distraction and denial and being positive (done all those)  will help. Sorry, but its a harsh truth I'm only now finding out.

Stage 4 Cancer will win in the end.  Fact. and that's despite me  having a really good Oncologist who is trying their best for me,  and yet, things still arent working out for me.

At the moment  it's peeing down with rain.   After nearly a whole year of extremely healthy eating, today Ive given up and am basically sat here eating my own body weight in sugar, fat and salt.

So,  I'll more than likely 'fail 'my blood test in 3 days time anyway. The irony!

My blood test results will be all over the shop Im sure. Then they'll shove me on high dose steroids again. And so it goes on and on and on and on.

Either way,  im damned if I do and damned if I don't.

Maybe its time to start looking at Switzerland. Or high bridges.

Oops,better not mention High bridges. I'll be getting adverts for The Samaritans if I'm not careful  ;)

  • I am sorry to hear this, though, i was told, if immunotherapy  does not work, it will be stopped, no point in having it, if not doing its job, and  causes, more problems for you, with infections and so on, also if tumors start to grow, they may grow in first few months, then everything settles down,,

  • Thanks Ellie,  for your kind words

    I had heard that immunotherapy doesn't work for everyone,  I'm obviously one of those it hasnt worked for.

    On some level, I know its probably for the best it was stopped.

  • If it is not working, no point to  having it, bit like chemo, we could both have the same, works on you though not on me,

    All part of the roller coaster, i am afraid, not easy, as we all know.

    For me it is not over till the fat lady sings, and i am not  going to sing for a long time, i sound terrible when i do,

    Keep us updated xxx

  • You are having a very tough time and only you know what you're going through but I'm sure everyone here understands your emotions. Be gentle with yourself. Eat what you want, sleep when you want and watch whatever TV you want. Take Care. xxx

  • I remember when I first researched cancer some years ago when a colleague had it, and coming across the concept of stage 4, and there being no stage 5. In reality it’s just a continuum, some of us manage to stop the progression for a while, some of us pass through more quickly than others. And it’s crap. Positive attitudes don’t change the course of the disease. All the being strong, fighting it language drives me nuts. Positive attitudes might help us cope with treatment a bit better, or motivate us to do things we enjoy. I have also never believed in denial as a method of trying to make things better and I would say eat and drink exactly what you like, it’s also not going to change outcomes. 

    I am sorry you have reached this point and I hope you can find some pleasures along the way. 

  • Thank you Coddfish.

    I'm amazed (and humbled) that people are getting it.

     Getting how I feel, I mean.

  • Hi Harebelle.

    I do 'get it'. I get it too. You are so right about everything. Eat whatever you want...drink all the stuff we're advised not to, throw cushions at the wall....whatever it takes. Be kind to yourself too. Look after yourself. You are saying a lot of the stuff that other people think, but aren't able to face or admit to. That takes honesty, and courage. I hope you find some peace and calm in all this.

  • Oh Harebelle, my heart goes out to you having the strength to pour your true feelings out and saying how alot of us feel. I think staying positive just helps get me through another day, does nothing for my cancer or the out come. I have started eating and drinking what I like. Why deprive ourselves when we're on the end run. I'm sending my love and hugs. xx


  • I get it too. Rant, and share whatever you want to share. There is no right way to feel. The idea of battling the cancer, or losing a battle can feel like blaming the cancer patient for not trying hard enough.