General crafts thread

  • 52 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I thought I would start a general crafts thread. We can ask questions and share our projects. Works in progress and completed ones are welcome, with no pressure. If we digress sometimes, that's ok too.


Small victories are welcome Heart

  • I have been teaching myself to knit and am finding it difficult! I think I bought the wrong yarn and needles but I will persevere and make this bloody blanket if it kills me! Off to a knitting class this morning. I will post pictures of both later 

    Jac x

  • Looks very nice but complicated. I'm a very basic knitter. If I was to do a blanket it would have to be squares sewn together. Keep going Jac,

  • Yes I’m starting to realise that I’ve been a bit ambitious! It doesn’t really matter what it looks like luckily! As long as it doesn’t fall apart! I think after I’ve done the ribbing bit I’ll just do plain knit stitch for the rest of it. It’s only for me and hubby to have in our microcamper for the chilly evenings x

  • I wish I’d thought of the squares way! Flushed

  • Well done you! My Nana taught me to knit and my own knitting project (I wanted to knit a scarf) ended up just being a knitted square! I was only about 9 and think I must have got bored or too distraSweat smileed to finish it! Your comment about finishing the bloody blanket did make me chuckle -Sweat smilekeep going, we’re all rooting for you xxxxxx.

  • Hi Jac, Good for you, I hope your class goes well!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Ha ha, thanks Ruby, I’ve now become slightly obsessed! X

  • Superb Jac, I am always impressed with knitters.  Working on night shift in hospitals there was a lot of knitting going on back in the day lol 

    M x 

  • Oh yes it’s ideal for night shift if you don’t have a lot to do. The time passes so quickly. It’s often well past bedtime before I finally stop! 
    Jac x

  • My stepmother was an avid knitter, she could knit practicly anthing with all types of wool. She taught me back in my school day, but i found it boring, it didn't grow fast enough !. My sister also knits, mainly blankets though !

    I prefer sewing, much quicker. But my passion is drawing & Pyrography on leather, when i get the chance and feel well enough.

    Good luck with your blanket, i'm looking forward to seeing the finished result Your micro camper sound intriguing !

    Cat x