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So after been sat feeling sorry for meself and some tears over the weekend I'm finally starting to feel better with this cold.  I think I'm going to book with national holidays and go to Scotland for few days in April. I love goin away on my own .no1 nos my story and I don't have to talk about it or even think about it. It makes me feel great for those few days. Hope you are all well and any suggestions for a break away will be appreciated. I dont drive so can only do coach holidays x

  • So glad to hear you're in a better place now, Bev. It's always good to have something to look forward to and the planning can be a lot of fun as well. Coach holidays are great as there are people around if you need company but you can be quiet and watch the world pass by if that's what you want to do. The best of all worlds, really. Scotland is full of so many beautiful places. I love Oban, Pitlochry and the gentler scenery of Dumfries and Galloway. I'm sure you'll find somewhere perfect for you. Let us know how you get on. xxx

  • Hello Bev,

    I agree with AnnaMary - Scotland has so many beautiful places to visit.  I’ve visited Edinburgh twice as a friend used to live there.  I did a walking holiday in and around Glencoe, back in 2008 (which I really enjoyed) and I’ve visited Oban - a gorgeous place! I have been on coach holidays (Wallace Arnold) and they were trips abroad - loved them but did tend to doze off in the coach so sometimes missed seeing gorgeous scenery! You enjoy those days away, I am sure you will really enjoy it. 

  • Hi Ruby this is to Ayrshire and Loch lomond.ive never even heard of the place but think I'll give it a go. X

  • Hi Bev, definitely give it a go. I am sure the beautiful scenery and fresh air will give you a boost. Also, you will have been brave (in my opinion) to try something new and on your own. So when you return home, you will be justifiably proud of yourself.  I am sure you will meet some lovely fellow holiday makers on the trip. I am getting excited for you! xxxxxxx

  • Sounds wonderful Bev, good for you. Doing something positive makes us feel better and that holiday will give you something to look forward to. We are also planning a trip to Scotland so we might even see you there! 
    Jac x

  • Oh how lovely would that be if we did x

  • Hi Ruby  I've done a few coach holidays on me own. I love them. The costworlds was the best .5 days of pure bliss.x

  • Good to hear  Bev, and glad your on the up, keep going.

  • Hi Bev, I'm sure you will love it, there are so many lovely places to visit and as a Scot, I've been to them all!  Ayrshire is Burns country (Rabbie Burns) but if the trip is only a few days I doubt you would have time to explore it all. If it's Ayrshire and Loch Lomond you could go Via Ayr, Troon and Prestwick, then Glasgow ( there's lots here) to Loch Lomond where you have the National Park,Lomond Shores, Balloch, Luss etc but Loch Lomond is large with lots of picturesque places dotted all round. I'm sure no matter where you go, you will love it. Am I bias....of course I am! How many days is your tour? It will make you want to see more!

    Love Annette x

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