Third time Mets

  • 4 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Well I had DCIS BACK IN 2013 bilateral mastectomy with recon. Ten years on I had lung Mets. 6 months chemo with ongoing. A month ago nodules show on my regular CT and yesterday confirmed METS are back. 

I really thought I’d cheated the system. Don’t get me wrong, I know how lucky I’ve been but I feel like my luck has run out.

I see my oncologist on the 4th of April for the palm but he’s already said chemo again. I don’t know if I have the strength I had 10 years ago for this! 

anyone else had long spells of remission? 

thanks in advance xxxxx

  • Welcome, i am sorry i can not help you, though hope others will pop in that can.

    Did not what you to think no one here.

    Your very welcome though sorry you have had to find us, xxx

  • Hi Pampas, I'm sure there have been people here with long remission time and then it pops up its ugly head again. However I'm not one of them and I do hope they will see your post and answer it.

    I don't believe you don't have the strength for chemo again! It is amazing how we find strength from deep down within, just when we need it!

    All the support you need will be here when you need it too. Please let us know how you get on with your oncologist on 4 April!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear your news. I can't answer your question but welcome to the group. If you feel up to it, it might be an idea to write your profile to save you repeating yourself. If you click on your username, it's self explanatory from there. I hope your appointment goes well, there are new treatments popping up all the time, could be something else besides chemo. Best wishes for your appointment.

    A x