Personal care

  • 11 replies
  • 46 subscribers

I hope it's ok to ask about this. I don't shower for several days at a time, especially when I feel weak and nauseous. Do you all manage personal care, or have any tips for when you find it difficult please?

I hate feeling grubby. Hair wash is difficult too. I have cut my long hair much shorter to make it less of an effort to do. 

Teeth cleaning is often a struggle too. I don't use toothpaste some days as the taste if even a tiny bit can be too strong. My sense of taste and smell have been hypersensitive for months.

So any suggestions rounds these issues are welcome please.

  • Hi, I was going to suggest using dry spray shampoo in between hair washes. I see Raine found it made her scalp itchy but I never found that to be a problem. I only used a small amount of Batiste Dry Spray from Asda.

    I definitely think you need an Occupational Therapist to visit you at home to see what measures could be put into place to help make things easier for you. The one I had, knew what I needed before I did! Contact your cancer team or GP to arrange a visit. Good luck! 

    Love Annette x

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