Only 3weeks past since being told 6to 8mths

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  • 46 subscribers

Still awake trying to sleep but mind racing can not seem to settle down.  Consultant says it will change once I Start next treatment.  Its me I do not do with being out of control . As have been told will never drive again  uts like overnight lost all freedom became a prisoner in my home.   Sorry people donot need to hear me complaining. Thankyou for being here.  

  • Hi  

    I'm very sorry to hear of your diagnosis and the prognosis you've been given. It must be very scary to be given that timeframe, I'm not surprised you're awake in the night. But, you are going to start treatment, so that will be added time. I would think 6-8months is if you didn't have treatment. When I was diagnosed it was thought to be a simple cancer, operation and back to work. I continued to work up until my surgery date despite being distracted and in pain. After my surgery it just kept snowballing, bad news after bad news until I could get no worse grade or stage, incurable having palliative chemo and radio to bone mets. I couldn't take it in, it felt like they were talking about someone else. This happened over the course of 4 months last year then the rest of the year was taken up by treatment. Click on my username if you would like to read my profile. I have heard it said that cancer comes in and takes over your life, your life is replaced by appointments to someone else's schedule. This is a hard thing to deal with and is a loss of control, as you say. I have written about my cancer experience here to hopefully let you know that we all have some idea of the way you are feeling and that you are not alone. Keep in touch, we will want to know how you are doing. 

    A x

  • Thankyou for your reply. I am finding you all are so supportive and can not thank you enough 

  • Thankyou for your support . I CAN not ssy how much I appreciate  your reply 

  • Thankuou for your reply . I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP 

  • Thankyou for your support . I am truly grateful 

  • Hi fermer. I was told 6 / 12 months. It's now nearly the 12 months and I'm doing great  . I was like you were I had no sleep for weeks and my lovley nurse helped with me sleeping ..dont get upset about not driving I don't drive and I've had 3 coach holidays in the past 8 months .I go alone on them and when I'm away I feel free and don't even think about the cancer .you and your wife can book a break away with national holidays or something like that. Honestly It's amazing how you feel when you are away from home. Take care x

  • Thankyou for your kind support.  Really appreciate all advice