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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Morning Tricia, and Everyone, yet to come along.

    Tea down , two more to go, then shower,

    Cold wet and windy here, come on the sunshine, end of March, need some warmth, does brighten you u.

    Break into HERE COMES THE SUNSHINE HERE COMES THE RAIN, always comes to those that wait, they say,

    Hope you all have a good day, what ever it may be,

    Later xxxx

  • Look after your wee self Moi, nothing wrong with having some down days as well when things get tough. 

    Take care 

    M x x 

  • Good morning early birds and the nocturnal ones - Annette :)  How about a wee poem that the google AI thing wrote me while I am on the wait list for an account.

    May your day be bright,
    Your mood be light,
    And your heart be filled with delight.

    I thought this was ok lol.  Better than I could have done.  Hope everyone is feeling fine this lovely Friday.  The weather is grey but the weekend is fast approaching.  No appointments here today which is nice and I think I will jsut spend the day getting myself back to feeling like myself.  Nearly there now which is good, so I am hoping for a fine weekend. 

    I hope if you have appointments or plans today they all go well and you are fit and healthy as you can be for them. 

    Have the best Friday all 


    M x x 

  • Good morning all, Ellie are you up if so hope you had a good night, I slept like a brick. I'm just about to get up and eat I'm rather hungry. I hope we all have a good day even with the awful weather. xx


  • Good morning M, I'm back in strong mode, fell of the horse for a while there but got back up. Luv the poem. Hope you had a good rest. Weather is gray and damp here. Just about to have breakfast, crumpets I think. So glad your feeling more like yourself. Have a good day xx


  • Good Morning Morton, nice poem are you using bard

  • Glad to here your back to perfect again 

  • Morning Moi, lol no i never,, that is because you had that other glass of wine,

    awake nearly all night, alarm went of and i turned over lol. You have a good day, xxxx

  • Morning Ellie, it's cold wet gray and yes it's a lovely day, we are all still here 

  • To be honest, i love verse;s i used to write years ago, might start doing it again, thinking cap, and mediation to get in the mood, Glad your feeling a lot better. xxx