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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Snap i have a glass of wine, my night cap. day not bad, did not do a lot, and got frustrated because i could not.

    Never mind tomorrow another day,why do you not like your v pillow, mine stops me from laying to flat, i sleep better for it,

  • I just find it uncomfortable, Ray , Emma, Joyce love it say its so comfortable. I just can't get comfortable with it. Are you going shopping tomorrow. I've laundry to do, then going to town to jewlers for a battery in my watch and late lunch, I think. Ops ..... another wine xx


  • LOL Yes shopping tomorrow, i am at jewelers tomorrow, to get them to alter the time on mine, i cannot grip to turn back an hour lol, then go back in October to put forward.

    ,I only have one wine, though is a large glass, got to set alarm for 7am, to get up.

    Well enjoy your lunch, i will be going up shortly, bed is my friend lol.

    Perhaps we will see you a little more,, xxxx

  • As I suspect you no I've haven't been in a very good place lately and just hibernated, plus kept loosing my Internet but that is fixed. So yes I'm on the up again and will keep on touch again. Have a good sleep and happy shopping xx


  • You have a good day, out of hibernation, and like an Easter bunny, jumping for joy, 

    You have a good day, and tomorrow Night xxxx

  • Hi Ellie, Can I just ask please? If you have nothing planned for the following day, do you still set your alarm for 7am and if so why? If you are doing nothing in particular, why not let your body awake naturally so that when you do get up you are well rested??

    I think as well as the "Lovely Morning chit chat" thread, why not have one for "Night Owls" who want to sleep but can't ?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • A very good morning to everyone. Im doing the usual ritual of waiting for that first cuppa of the day, Weather man predicting yet another day of wind and heavy showers. Hope people have managed to get some sleep and the day unfolds better where you are.. Wishing everyone a good day ahead. take care Tricia. xx

  • Hi Annette Good Morning.

    LOL Do you think i have lost it, no of course, i do not, sometimes i do not wake up till 9, that made me laugh,.

    Only when i have some thing to do the next day,

    Have a good day. xxx

    Ellie xxx

  • Absolutely do not feel bad Jac, You have paid your way in life and you deserve to get all the support you are entitled to now.  It was my better half who made the point to me that I would not get state pension so anything I get now is just part of the pension I will never see.  Please don’t ever feel guilty.  Look what you are going through. 

    Take care x x 


  • Aww thank you Tricia, likewise. I am feeling a bit brighter again today so it definitely is onwards and upwards into the weekend 
