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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Morning Everyone, Morton i like Foxes from a far,

    Though the vixen had five cubs under the shed, then April to may they appeared, and will not leave to august till sep.

    So i had five cubs running round the garden, sucking of the vixen and adult make bringing them food every night, lumps of meat, where he got it from, i do not know,4,50 every night.

    I cannot Handel that again, was lovely when cubs where little, but they get bigger and bigger, lol 

  • Hi Annette and a good morning to you and all the early birds, I like Endeavour, I try to work out who done it, scope's are such fun (not) these last few weeks have been quite a trial for you and your husband, hows the blood count going 

  • Good Morning Tricia, you must be on your third cuppa by now, today is well as me mammy would say "a fine day", I hope your is starting better than mine 

  • Good Morning Ellie, Foxes normally build their sets under trees, maybe that's why they picked your shed, but if all else fails fill a couple of shots with dryed corn or pea's no damage done but boy does it hurt, ho nearly forgot tell the niebours the bangs will make them jump.

  • Goodness, no I don’t like them that much to be fair lol!  That is about 4 foxes too many for my liking 

    M x 

  • Morning everyone, 

    You all sound well and happy , that’s good!
    Good luck Annette with your endoscopy and gastro thing (sounds like you’re attending cookery classes lol)  what a lot you have going on. But at least that means they will hopefully get to the bottom of what’s going on.

    Morning to Tricia, Morton and Ulls too! Ellie , morning to you, I love foxes too but the smell is overpowering. I can always smell where they’ve been though others can’t. There is a fox den in the front garden of the house opposite us which is like a junk yard. The owner is in a home. I will ask his neighbour if she gets a bad smell in her house. 

    I didn’t sleep well as effect of lung drain is that my shoulder/ribs/lung hurts. Something to do with diaphragm. I couldn’t get comfortable and kept waking up so ended up sleeping in this morning. So I must get up now and face the day. I have had my first cuppa! 
    love Jac x

  • I’m waiting for blue badge. Have only just got pip letter for proof. Feel a bit of a fraud claiming it but not well enough all the time to work. And not many of us will receive our pension will we do might as well claim it, have paid in all these years. Can’t help feeling a bit guilty though 

    Jac x

  • You have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, your contributions helped run the NHS for others now it's your turn to be helped, once you have your blue badge, you can get a bus pass aswell, do yThumbsup get attendance allowance if not, as Macmillan welfare if you qualify they will fill the forms for you, it doesn't matter how much money you have but how poorly you are, big hugs ThumbsupThumbsupThumbsupGrinning

  • LOL when i looked out window, thought got five puppies in garden, then dawned on me do not have any puppies, my daughter has two.

    Then they got nearer and nearer to my back door patio, and used to tap on it with their paws, lol was not funny,.

    Eldest grandson loved it took so many photos and videos, yes but he did not live here lol

  • shots with a what, i have learnt so much in last couple of years, never had this when hubby was here, i am being tried, thats for sure, lol   what do i fire the corn or peas with