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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • having treatment at home in about an hour, just waiting for my nurse to come xx


  • Hope it goes well Moi. Take care 

    M x

  • I know its hard not to think of the worst,and it's not good, being positive can be even harder at times, my counselor set me a task if I feel down write down a list of you problems and then a list oThumbsupthe good thing and make sure you have more good thing than bad, works for me.ThumbsupThumbsupThumbsup

  • Aw, thanks Tricia, you are always thinking of others. You are a very kind, thoughtful person. My lung drain was ok, same as usual but the bloody blood tests… not so. They had great difficulty finding a good vein and I feel like a pin cushion. Never mind it’s all for a good cause and I don’t want a port so have to put up with it!   Anyway I’m now enjoying a delicious cinnamon tea. And thinking about making a ceaser salad as it’s what daughter has requested for last meal as she doesn’t want to get constipated lol! She has a problem with that and wanted something light. Hope you are feeling good today x

  • I have a hankering to start knitting. Have never done it though so is it hard? My nan tried to teach me when I was little but I remember it being very tight and holey. I love being warm and cosy so I would like making blankets, scarves and jumpers. Thinking 

  • i only knit, baby things, so please let me know when some one might be pregnant and i will get my knitting needles out, xxx

  • Hi Elle hope your well. Had treatment  today  it was OK. Scampi for dinner on about 10 minutes. Been having Internet  problems.s, HOPEFULLY sorted xx


  • Hi glad treatment went well, Thought  you was a  world cruise, an enjoying yourself,

  • Have a lovely evening with your daughter :) Glad they managed to find a wee vein in the end for you.  Each time I have been in for chemo I have seen people in getting ports changed or altered in some way! 

    Sending positive vibes to your daughter for her travels. 

  • Aw thanks Morton, I remember that vividly from my chemo days and I’m praying I never have to have it again! And thanks for the good wishes re daughter, I think we are all a bit jittery, can’t seem to settle to anything. She has packed and repacked 47 times lol! 
    Jac x