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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Hi Morton, Yes I'm home, thankfully, it was a terrible ward with a screamer and very loud nurses and neither cared what time of day or night it was. I had the transfusion Thursday night. The problem is my liver isn't making red blood cells, so my blood got very low. My kidneys were struggling and that's why my legs are so swollen. It was the liver specialist who eventually decided the blood markers weren't coming up,smo a transfusion was necessary. I go to the Lymphodemia clinic next week and also urology. I've to get bloods checked at my GP surgery to check the transfusion has worked. Iron tablets didn't make any difference, and the  Cellulitis isn't budging either. He hopes if we get the blood right, everything else will fall into place. Let's hope so. The only sickness pills that worked for me were the ones you put under your top lip and let them dissolve.

    Number three already for you, doesn't time fly!! Get plenty of rest and I hope you feel much better tomorrow (or should I say later))!  do you go for a scan soon or are they waiting until you've had all  the chemo?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, what a terrible time for you…I hope they get your bloods sorted and that relieves things for you.  Nothing like you but I had terrible swollen legs after chemo 2 and hated it so I can empathise to a small degree on how you feel.  You look after yourself and get strong.  The plan is to monitor bloods and if they don’t play ball then it will be a full set of scans after chemo 4 I think and a decision from there on what direction to go in.  I am ever hopeful that my bloods are just slow to react.  I can be a bit slow at times lol! 

  • Good morning, happy Tuesday to you all.  i am feeling a lot better this morning despite a rotten sleep, not to worry.  What do you all have planned for today? Anything exciting at all?  I am doing literally nothing lol.  I have. A few films to watch.  Some snacks to nibble on and a comfy couch to relax on. Some might say I am using my Chemo as a wee excuse to do this…I would say, who me!! ; 

    Have the best Tuesday chit chatters. 

    M x 

  • Morning Morton

    That is the  best place, very dull and deary here, really brings some one down, me included.  We need, the sun has got its hat on, you are my sunshine, and the sunny side of the street.

    For the younger generation, they wheer all songs,

    You ret up Morton and have some TLC,,xxx

  • Think he may have, though hard to tell the difference, between the monkey and backkite. both just cuddly,xx 

  • Morning.

    Every one, nothing special for me today, enjoying the peace and calm, after the weekend. was very very busy, not used to it though, lovely,

    Enjoy your Day everyone. xxx

  • Good morning everyone. i hope your day has started well if not crossing my fingers that it improves. Another grey day here too had lots of rain yesterday looks like it might continue on today. A big hug to anyone in need of it. Tricia. xxx

  • Make the most of it, do you have a bell to ring, when you need, something, lol my hubby did, he kept me on my toes, xxxlol

  • How nice to be welcomed back so effusively.  Thank you for all suggestions involving my release into the English countryside.

    My legal advisors are currently reviewing this content and will be in touch regarding defamation compensation,.

    It's true that after reading all these posts I was indeed happier with my furry friends on the rock than I am with my ex friends on here.

    Do not apologise, you will all make things worse. 

    Just off to my drop in centre for councilling but I think the damage has been done.

  • Thank you Ellie, I shall be resting all day long :) Seems like the best place to be 

    M x