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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • I may get one , one day but not now. I can't. We had 37 degrees here yesterday but only 25 today , so really can just come over, i got two spare rooms, coffee and vino :)

  • So sorry to read this.  That must be very hard for you.  You will miss her immensely. 

    M x 

  • Good morning to all the lovely chit chatters (and of course everyone else who looks in and doesn’t post why not say hello everyone is welcome).  First of all HAPPY Mother’s Day to all you superstar mothers who despite all that you battle always put family first.  You are genuine super hero’s.  Secondly let’s all have a nice and relaxed Sunday? I feel I need it and happy for anyone else to join me in a day of not thinking about cancer and doing favourite things.  (If you can guess mine i will let you join me lol) 

    Anyway I have just taken my bone table so waiting on the first of my 4, at least cups of tea, 20 minutes to go. 

    Happy Sunday to you all. 

    M x 

  • Thanks Morton, we will probably visit the west again. Had such a wonderful holiday the first time when we went to the ardnamurchan peninsular and stayed at Loch Sunart. We had a week of sunshine, dipping in the loch and having a wonderful time. It was after my chemo finished for my primary 11 years ago and I felt that nature was healing me. We had a little boat and went out on the loch, porpoises swimming right by us! We want to go to Shetland and the Orkney’s this time too. I can’t wait

    Jac x

  • Aw that’s wonderful Chelle. Siblings are so special. Have a wonderful time with you sis. Is she older or younger? I’m the eldest of three, I have a brother and sister.

    Jac x

  • I went out with them last night and drank a bit too much! Whoops! 
    Jac x

  • That sounds amazing Shadders, I have been to Orkney and it is one of my fav places on earth.  The skys are amazing…so big. Nature is very healing I think x 


  • Yay, too much is good sometime I think 

  • Good morning all, I'll whisper incase Jac has a bad head, trip's around Scotland, daughter of backpacking, getting squiffy, shear debortuary, what type of group have I joined? Actually sounds good to me.

    Scuba diving in Bali heaven. I'm thinking of doing something really exciting like a jigsaw puzzle ThumbsupThumbsupThumbsup

  • Morning Everyone

    Its is Good Mood Day, for every one, we can pop, over to Aussie for vino,, do not worry be happy, that is it.

    I had vino last night, very nice, still have company, its Sunday I am here, that is enough.

    I have four vases of Flowers, think i am getting them now, As i have already told them, i do not want any, when i leave this house for the last time.
