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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Thank you Chellesimo. Glad Monday is on 


    M x

  • Well my team drew a game they should have won! It’s been one of those days…have a lovely sleep all 


    M x. 

  • Tomorrow is another day,go forward, today is done with, xxx

  • Thank you Ellie, true enough and here we are so as we say…onwards and upwards. 

  • Good morning all you lovely chit chatters.  It’s Saturday again, it is grey and drizzly but it’s still my fav day of the week.  Out for a walk this morning then a roll and followed by a cake and tea :) I do like my routines, they help get through some of this stuff.  Not routine but looking for a new carpet later today lol…much excitement!

    Hope you are all well rested?  What plans do you all have?  Even some nice relaxing I think makes Saturday a lovely day.  

    Have a great day all, BackKite…safe travels, I hope you see everything you are looking for


    M x  

  • Morning Morton, New carpet, very nice you go Man, It would not be right, if no cake or tea Morton .Your keeping thier profits up, lol

    Well i did not have thing planned, as such, but phone call last  night, 9.45pm, to say Hi Mum, been down tomorrow, so i now have company,

    He  lives four hours,away, last see him at Christmas, lovely, and yes Chinese Night,and yes wine as well, and no doubt, my other son and daughter will turn up, they live very near.

    All enjoy your day what ever it might bexxx

  • Good morning all, we had a fabulous day with our daughter and her husband, lunch a mooch round the market town we never been there before, more shop than we thought, no supermarket, lunch and dinner restaurant excellent.

  • Aww this sounds excellent Ellie, and wine and Chinese food…brilliant wee Saturday for you 

    M x 

  • Sounds great Ulls, nice to have such a nice wee day 

  • Yes not sure how long he is staying for, though i have a few jobs, he can do, only small ones, To complicated for a,  Female, well this one,.lol xxx