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Lovely Morning - daily chit chat thread - no 9

  • 951 replies
  • 53 subscribers

A New Thread, gets very full up. 

It is a chit chat thread, talk about every day life, chit chat, or just rubbish in your life.or what you may be doing.that day, going for Bloods, or Scans.

If you have a special Topic please start a New Thread.

Enjoy Every Day, and Make The Most of it.

Ellie xx

  • Sounds Like a good old day you had there Jac, that last episode was traumatic…such a good series! Hope they bring it back soon lol! Oh, I was born 68 so 55 this year in October.  This is why I am still saying early 50s hahaha 

    Ok off to health centre now, take it easy all 

    M x 

  • Yep I’m a 69er! Mr Shadders is a 68er like you both good years to be born I reckon. Hope your health centre is better than mine at taking bloods!

    Jac x

  • Morning each and every one, you are all early and i am late.

    Hard day yesterday, i worked and worked, i slept for England,

    Glad to here every one is well, well i am older than you all, and that is it, many a good tune, played, on an old fiddler, so says all of us.

    ,First cuppa, after four i make a move, 

    Enjoy your day every day is a good day, xxxx

  • Thanks Jac glad you had a lovely time yesterday and respect that you came home with chocolate too. Joy. Have a good day. Love Trica. xx

  • Morning Ellie So true enjoy your tea and have a good day. Tricia. xx

  • Hi Annette, your right backkite, is quite forward for a newby, possible delusions of grandeur.

  • Good morning Everyone, Ellie you might think your late but you beat me, happy anniversary Birthday .

    Wow Jac married to a toy boy, you lucky child.

    Tricia I hope you appointment goes well.

    Morton I know you'll enjoy you cake and sausage rolls, but the company you are with will make your day.

    Weather report, gray wet miserable, could be mistaken for me. LoL 

  • Morning Grey and  miserable here, i worked hard yesterday, my body was tired, lol but hey does it matter, yes because i get annoyed with my self, like to be up by

  • Morning all. I had my meds 6am  and then went back to bed until 9am Blush I don't have anything planned for today. It's grey and miserable here. I still can't eat, but am managing ensures diluted 50/50 with water now, so that's a step forward.