Favourite funny TV

  • 19 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hello everyone 

Just sitting here watching Would I Lie To You and laughing my a**e off. I think it’s the funniest thing on tv. Which programs make you laugh and also what about funny books. We all need a laugh and I think it helps mental and physical health.

Jac x

  • Well tvman let’s agree to disagree and focus on our mutual love of Would I lie to you? Last night’s episode was hilarious particularly Lee’s mnemonic for packing, so funny I was cracking up, tears and everything. 
    love Jac x

  • I'm happy with that Jac xx 

    Love life and family.
  • TBH I can't find anything on TV nowadays that even makes me smile, let alone laugh. The best, tears down the cheeks laugh, that I can remember was in the local cinema ( pre-Covid) watching Meryl Streep as Florence Foster Jenkins. [very funny, but sad and poignant too]. The whole audience was in fits and we had stomach ache. I like Ricky Gervais, but his humour is so painfully toe-curling sometimes, I have to leave the room.  Rainie x

  • Yes I agree with you about Ricky Gervais. It’s almost too close to the mark. So well observed. Have you watched Would I Lie to You? Lots of belly laugh moments, particularly when bob mortimer is on it! Me and Mr Shadders love the Detectorists but it’s very gentle humour not laugh out loud belly laughs. It’s definitely worth a watch though. 
    Jac x

  • Yes, we like The Detectorists, also a series called Early Doors [BBC] written by Craig Cash of the Royal Family, which was excellent, but a long time ago. [got them on DVD].

    Not seen Would I lie, maybe will have a peek.  But usually find the humour, so-called, of today is so very banal and in fact, is so very often top-heavy with expletives, it's forgotten to be funny. I think they just stick in a lot of swearing to cover up the paucity of their material.

    My daughter, who goes to The Comedy Club in Brighton quite often, will sometimes recommend somebody she thinks is funny, but we look at them and can't see anything to laugh at. Maybe it seems funnier if you've had a few drinks?

    Meanwhile, it's You tube for clips of the old-uns.

    Rainie x

  • Ah, Early Doors! We loved that too. Love those gentle slice of life comedies. Are you a Nike Leigh fan too Raineday? 
    Jac x

  • Mike Leigh lol though maybe Nike is funny too! 

  • Good morning all

    My favourite programs are all children's TV stuff the best being Bagpus and the magic roundabout. Not exactly adult but I don't care it's the innocence of the program no violence, swearing or being nasty. Just a saggy cloth cat telling a story.

    Hugs for those who need it today.


  • Aw Donna, love Bagpuss too especially the little mice! I don’t mind a bit of swearing but don’t like it when it’s constant and not great with violence but will put up with it if the shows a good one. 
    Jac x