Feeling scared about treatment

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  • 43 subscribers

Help!!! I have just had a phone call for me to start Immunotherapy on the 13th march. Only a week away. I wasn't expecting it so soon. I am very scared.

  • Hi Lucy

    Do you know what  immunotherapy  you are having.

    Do not be scared, yes it is the fear of the unknown, once you start you will adjust.

    I had immunotherapy every three weeks for two years, for me was so much kinder than chemo i have to say.

  • Ipimumab and nivolumab. I am scared of nausea and tiredness. I am so tired already.

    I also hoped there would be time for my mirtazepine for anxiety and depression to kick it, but it will be only 11 days since starting it 

    Why was your immunotherapy stopped?

  • My immunotherapy was not stopped, i did two years,mine was a different one to you.

    Not every one gets nausea,i never and if you do they give you medication for it, As for tiredness, i did have that, though not as bad as others have ha d.

    It is the fear of the unknown, once you start you will be fine, it has to be done, that is part of the treatment, and once you start at least you know some thing is being done.

     I had eight chemo, i do not count the first one, so the immunotherapy, was a doddle i thought,

    Try and think, this is a step forward, on this journey,

    ,We are all on it,  and hopefully when you have the first one, you will think, that was not so bad,

  • Every one is different, perhaps i am different i do not let things worry me, i cannot change anything, so i go along with what they suggest, and trust them.they know what they are doing.

    All the worrying in the world will not alter anything, and then you bring yourself down.'

    I have faith you will cope well, and surprise yourself, we are stronger than what we think, when we have to be,

  • Sorry to hear you’re so scared Lucy. I think Ellie said it all but I’m thinking of you going through this and feeling scared. One day at a time. 
    Jac x