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Lovely Morning no 8 Onward and Upwards

  • 963 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Yes new thread, it is chit chat, talk about going for scans, bloods, what your plans are today, if any, or talk rubbish, every day pros and cons bits of this bits of that.

anything  for the day., . We try to laugh, as laughter can be the best policy in all situations of life,, though not all the time,

If you wish to talk about a special topic, please start another thread.,

Have a Lovely Day  and keep having them if possible,

Ellie xx

  • Hi Tvman I discussed that exact problem with the moderator yesterday, I called it a 2 phase action, touch flag to moderator, pop up appears "Do you want to flag this post" yes box no box.

    Great minds think alike Joy

  • I have the white coat syndrome as well, always high when they take it ok for me, I take a reading evey Monday and hand them a copy when I go for a review.

  • Good luck with the injection.  Yeah I am not sure on the motives of the purchase.  it is quite entertaining anyway though. 

    M x

  • Good luck hope it goes well. Tricia. xx

  • Oh Morton, that seems a bit cruel, you don't need to goo into work to finalise things but I'm sure you'd have liked a face to face meeting. What a shame! However I'm sure your colleagues will arrange you to meet, soon. At least I hope so!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • You are still breathing, so good from that point of view.

  • I am new here and read that a new Lovely Morning thread starts at the beginning of the month.

    Does that not apply when it's a short month? I don't want to miss anything.

  • Injection was ok but hospital car park v stressful. Just getting parked and then trying to get out again, gridlocked for ages, then this seagull woman shouted at me to reverse. Why can’t people just be polite? That’s unfair most people are polite and perhaps she was late for her appointment or had someone ill in hospital. I just find it difficult to remember all that and go into stubborn mode lol, which is not helpful either! 
    I’m glad the RR football thing is entertaining. He must be very passionate about it to come over to do it I guess. Last night hubby put one of his foreign language films on so I had to concentrate. It was about kidnapping in Mexico. It’s based on a true story of a woman’s fight to find her daughter after gangs abducted her and demanded money which she paid but still didn’t get her daughter back. It was so sad and is apparently very common out there. I’ve only just started to watch sad things again after being diagnosed. I couldn’t face it before. Now it helps me cos I can have a good cry. I still prefer go watch something funny though!
    Jac x

  • Not seagull woman! Awful woman Joy

  • thought  i had not heard of seagull woman was going to goggle