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Lovely Morning no 8 Onward and Upwards

  • 963 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Yes new thread, it is chit chat, talk about going for scans, bloods, what your plans are today, if any, or talk rubbish, every day pros and cons bits of this bits of that.

anything  for the day., . We try to laugh, as laughter can be the best policy in all situations of life,, though not all the time,

If you wish to talk about a special topic, please start another thread.,

Have a Lovely Day  and keep having them if possible,

Ellie xx

  • Oh M I'm often flaging posts by mistake and yes I've flagged myself. I think the mods are use to us doing it lol xx


  • Ellie I hope your appointments went well and you've had a good day xx


  • I ask myself the same thing Tricia! Why do I do it? Maybe so I get to cuddle up with my daughter as it’s the only thing she’ll watch with us! Joy

  • Thanks Morton, call went well thank you. My bloods are good so I can pick up my meds tomorrow and start my 4th cycle on Thursday. How are you feeling now? Watch anything good on telly? 
    Jac x

  • Oh wow Moi! You must be so excited! Will their parents come too? Hope you managed to get their favourites 

    Jac x

  • Oh Ulls, I’ve heard how good the Maggie’s centres are, you’re lucky to have one near. It’s so good to meet up with others going through the same as you. 
    I’ve met up with some people through Facebook which has helped me a lot. Through them I found out about a retreat that I could apply for. I found out that I’ve got a place in September so I’m really looking forward to that. Have a good evening 

    Jac x

  • Yes Jac my daughter Emma and her husband Mike and grandsons Will 14 and Tom 12. I won't see them at Easter so it's Easter on Thursday ha ha the 4 like getting mother Ed, but I must admit they do try to mother ME LOL xx


  • Hi Jac, good news for you.  Glad to hear you are good to go.  I had a good sleep this morning and then I watched some last more last of us the programme about Ryan Reynolds buying the football team in wales.  Sorting out a few IT things as well.  My better half is not Better at that side of things and I have this urge to make sure she knows how to do everything, passwords etc!  I think it’s freaking her out lol! 

    M x 

  • I am blaming the clumsy fingers on Chemo Moi lol, they are a little numb so a but butter fingered. 

  • Speaking face to face at a group must be nice too. 

    Cheers Ulls.