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Lovely Morning no 8 Onward and Upwards

  • 963 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Yes new thread, it is chit chat, talk about going for scans, bloods, what your plans are today, if any, or talk rubbish, every day pros and cons bits of this bits of that.

anything  for the day., . We try to laugh, as laughter can be the best policy in all situations of life,, though not all the time,

If you wish to talk about a special topic, please start another thread.,

Have a Lovely Day  and keep having them if possible,

Ellie xx

  • I did have a few Ellie, and feel asleep at my table when I got home, better half had to poke me to get to bed!  That was nice your son came to stock up on supplies lol.  Ah the Auld Billy the Parton saint of Scotland.  Sounds like a nice day.

  • Ach, that’s annoying Ulls, football has gone very physical now and the room for ball playing skillful players is less and than less.  Hopefully they will pick up soon. 

  • Oh Ulls, I really meant to be funny, not cruel! Sorry!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sounds like a lovely Saturday Ellie. I had a good day too, went to London Town with friends and saw an interesting immersive art exhibition and dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, which I thought would beJoyouristy and not very good but we had a very nice meal there though it was very loud lol! I felt my age! Had a super day with lovely friends. Glad your team won Morton! Ulls are you taking about Subuteo?


  • Glad you had a good day, today is a rest day, just me and me and me, and my music, lol, just done my meds for the week. and take things easy today. xx

  • I know I was winding you up JoyJoyJoyJoyJoy

  • No would probably win that 

  • Some little lambs on a lovely morning 


  • Lovely Sarah, The Circle of Life xx

  • Lovely Sarah, we don't have any in the fields behind us yet. I remember one year that I walked to the lough behind me and I sat down on some rocks. A ewe and her 2 very young lambs came by and one of the little lambs came over to me and I stroked and cuddled it. After a while I moved off and the little lamb followed me for a while. I picked it up and found its mother. When it ran over to her its little tail wagged like mad as it found a teat and got nourishment that I couldn't give it lol

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.