Past times, Past stuff

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  • 47 subscribers

Ellie mentioned on the lovely morning thread, that she'd once won a Teasmade in a competition.

Remember them?

Thought we could start a trip down memory lane about all those things that were around, but aren't now.

Or maybe they are, and we thought they'd gone forever, but they've been re-invented with a new name.

What do you remember that's gone? What do you miss?

I certainly remember the teasmade. My Mum had one, but after a while, my Dad proved to be more reliable.

Keep em'coming.

Rainie x

  • Some people used to get treble green shield stamps in the filling stations and I used to hang around the pumps and ask for their Esso football club badges to stick into a folder and I had every one . Really proud of it I was.

    What about the Co-op divvy and the Co Quarter? I still remember my mum's Co-op number, so does my brother. You had to remember the number when you bought shopping from the local Co-op. Then there used to be slot TVs and you used to put money in them to keep them going. Also most people used to rent their TVs. Remember Radio Rentals and Visionhire? Tell that to the young ones and they'll find that weird.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi everyone, Jac at the thought of a soda stream I remembered Creamola-foam, sheer luxury. We had a cream telephone and when we got our first TV set, some of our friends and family used to come around on a Saturday night to watch Take Your Pick with Hughie Green and This is your Life! A few of the old programs have been revived but they were never as good as the originals. When Taggart started my dad called a halt to people popping I because one Saturday we had about 14 people in our living room and we couldn't get near or own television.

    I loved Norman Wisdom in his black and white films. He could have you crying one minute and laughing the next!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • My mum has this really old hand mixer and it was so good at mixing the Yorkshire puddings.  But you couldn't get anything like it when I was building up my kitchen, just the electric hand blenders or hand whisks variety.  But you can now!!  Modern version attached -> 

  • Also Woolworths pick and mix sweet counter.  

  • And we best not mention "Bill and Ben" TV series huh?!
    Edit:   google is telling me it was 1952 "Flower Pot Men".