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Hi everyone, I had my latest blood picture for my bone marrow cancer on Friday last week. I'm pleased to say that I'm stable. My platelets are low, but not at danger level. Likewise, but closer to danger level, are my haemoglobin level and my neutrophils level. 

I also have a rare blood condition called haemachromatosis and my reading should be around 50 and my figure is more than 650! The normal method of treatment is by blood removal but as I can't have that because my blood levels will be even lower, the method of treatment will be by iron chelation. In simpler terms it will be by taking tablets that help the ferritin (iron) to attach to other compounds and, well to be blunt, come out with my poo. The haemotologist took time to explain the risks which are quite severe and involves being checked for liver and kidneys efficacy operation and also more concerning, having my eyes monitored. for retinal degeneration. These checks are needed to be performed every 3 months..

Strange, but also common are treatments for one ailment, can affect other parts of the body..

Keep well and stay safe everyone.

Tvman xx