Newly diagnosed but incurable.

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  • 48 subscribers

Thank you so much for accepting me. On 16th December I was diagnosed with cancer. After all the tests, I found out on Friday just gone that the only treatment they can offer me is radiotherapy to postpone the inevitable. They said I may have months or maybe two years. It's a squamous cell cancer, under my chin and spreading up the nerve to my eye. The whole side of my face is numb and I'm currently in hospital with the eye sewn shut and antibiotic drops to help it heal, hopefully. I apologise for any wrong buttons pressed as I'm struggling to see with one eye and I'm not good with technology anyway. How does everyone cope with this sort of news? How do I stay strong for my family? It all feels unreal. 

  • Hi  , so sorry to hear that you have had such a diagnosis, it's a tremendous shock when you get told.

    I was diagnosed with an incurable bone marrow cancer in March 2015 at the age of 57 and 4 months later I was diagnosed with a spinal condition which 6 months later put me in a wheelchair, had to stop working and I was distraught. I managed to get counselling for a few months which helps, kind of. I had plans for retirement which were blown away.

    For the back, there's nothing can be done, it could be worse I suppose. As for the cancer, I have treatment every week and that has been going for nearly 8 years now. It is treatable but not curable although I could get a nasty leukemia which won't be good.

    AnnaMary, there are others here on this site who were given less than a year and they're still here, many years later. New treatments are being discovered and new trials emerge so I hope I've given you some crumbs of comfort for the future.

    You have come to the right place for support and understanding AnnaMary, I hope you benefit and in no time you'll be hopefully giving support to others Slight smile 

    Take care

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • It's good to have found this site, where people understand. Cancer is a horrible disease but you have given me some hope for the future. I see the radiologist on the 10th February so I'll see what he has to say then. Thanks for the positive message. 

  • You're welcome  , good luck for the 10th, that's my son's birthday Grinning 

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Annamary

    sorry you have had to find us, though you are very welcome. Such  early days for you in finding out of your diagnosis,

    I never asked for a prognosis never ever wanted-to know, though after treatment, i did ask, and did not like the reply.

    I was incurable from day i though   treatable,

    Have you been told, why radiotherapy is the only treatment they can offer,?,

    How does one cope.i really can not answer that, every one is so different in their approach to this situation.

    When i was diagnosis was a special for our family, hubby special  birthday, eldest grandson getting married, and our golden wedding, did not think i would see any of them well i did,

    The time frame you was given is only a guess, they do not know, no one does really.

    I do try to be positive, it works, though do have down moments, ll part of this roller coaster ride i call it,

    Hope others come in to support you, please use this group always some one here, have a moan, rant, scream, shout, cry what ever you fil at that moment in time.

    Your thread was spot on, and you have done really well no wrong buttons that i can see.


  • Thanks again. I will take the date 20th February as a good omen! 

  • 10th February I mean. I blame my wonky eye! 

  • Glad you found us ! Good luck on the 10th 

    Cat x

  • It's good to hear from you. I've been stuck here in the Eye Infirmary since 24th January. I has to go to my appointment about the cancer strategy from here and come back directly afterwards. My husband asked 'how long' and I really wish he hadn't. Not much was said by the MaxFax consultant really. I got the feeling everything was decided. 

    As I see the radiologist on Friday, I'm hoping he will be more communicative. For now, I'm mostly on my own in the hospital until visiting hours. The staff here are lovely but I have a lot of time to just think and my mind leads me down some strange paths.

    I'm sorry your diagnosis came at a time when you were anticipating so many happy events. I am very glad to meet you. 

  • Wave Hi AnnaMary.  It takes time to come to terms with it and we've all been through it and come out the other side.  I asked too when diagnosed, but with what I now know about treatment, response and statistics I won't be asking again.   I hope you manage to build up some good relationships with the consultants in your hospital.  I found that helps.    

  • Good to met you as well, though in such terrible circumstance,s.

    Always some one here, and they will help you pass the time away.

    I got all our happy events, though as you say the mind does wander, and the what if;s creep in.


    Get your thinking cap on and as any questions YOU want the answer to, write them down, because at times we forget when face to face with the Doctors.

    Glad you are finding your way about. ,