New Skills

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  • 47 subscribers

Hi everyone, l saw a post on another thread from  that she is learning a new skill of calligraphy. That's prompted me to begin a new thread entitled New Skills, Elliekate is learning one every month. I'll be happy beginning and mastering the basics of one every year but maybe given my bone marrow cancer diagnosis, I'll try to learn the basics of one every 6 months. I've been diagnosed now almost 8 years so wish I'd started earlier! 

I'm going to learn willow weaving, I planted 1500 willow trees for 5 or so years until my back gave up 7 years ago. I hope to harvest the trees from now for fuel for my wood burning boiler stove that will do my central heating once I dry the wood.

1500 trees gives me more branches that I'll need and I now have some willow whips that are different colours for making baskets etc. I'm not what you would call arty but I can follow instructions in 3 or 4 books I have on the subject.

Anyone else started a new skill lately or have I sparked any interest and inspired anyone?

I made a few of these 3 or 4 years ago. Never did woodworking in my life, put a few shelves up and put skirting up but never actually made anything. Proud of them I am, Mrs Tvman did the paintwork.

Take care everyone

Tvman xx 

  • Hi  , I'm mightily impressed by your cross stitch work, it's fantastic looking. Very good decision to learn to crochet. I don't know if it's the same in England or where you are,  but in my MacMillan exercise class that I attend there is always discussion about what the ladies are knitting in various classes in the area. Some of the classes are in the local library and they're called knit and natter classes. There's also a crochet class or two and they bring their present works in for showing and discussing.

    I used to go to the library in my nearest large town where Friday morning was free tea and biscuits morning. There were 1 or 2 other men who dropped in but they didn't chat apart from a grunt of good morning. When the knit and natter ladies (there were no men) arrived for 11am they weren't long in starting to natter and the noise level rose exponentially but they were enjoying it, fair play to them. I considered learning to knit because when I was about 4 or 5 I used to knit a little as my mum knitted a lot but then Covid landed and then it exploded in the population and everything stopped. 

    If any of you are in their sixties plus, there used to be kits for bedside mats and I used to make a couple. How proud was I when I stepped out of bed and put my bare feet on the cosy little mat that I had made. I don't know if they still exist in Hobbycraft or not.

    I'm quite content to work away at a jigsaw. My son bought me one about a year ago which is so so difficult that I'm only able to get a dozen or thereabouts pieces done a day. It's of a small pond with lots of green grasses, rushes and mosses but I'm determined to finish it. It's in a jigsaw folder below the bed because it had to be lifted off the dining table at Christmas time!

    Take care everyone

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Clippy mats we made them cos couldn't afford proper mats, the whole family had to do their bit 

  • It's everybody's thread, isn't it ? :-) it's lovely hearing about your cross stitch sistermoon 

  •   That is so impressive @silvermoon I tried counted cross stitch once and I don't think I ever finished it and it was for my daughter who is now 27. I can crochet one of my grandma's friends taught me when I was about 6 and I've never forgotten I bet the seaside cross stitch are lovely too.  I love the birdfeeder the blanket is lovely and the musical instrument is really interesting I would love to be musical. Both my girls have really good voices and the youngest was going to try and make musical theatre her career but that didn't happen. I don't know where there voices came from as I certainly can't sing and neither can their dad!!  I thought I had a photo of my sea glass necklace on my phone but can't find it so when I find the necklace again I will do another. Next month at my crafty group we are doing pompom bouquets so I will put that on here

  • Ah Annette, you're so kind. I'm not an arty person but I can follow instructions. I'll not have any baskets for a while because I haven't planted the different coloured willow plants yet but I'll do that tomorrow. It'll probably take 2 seasons' growth before I'll have enough coloured willow branches, it'll give me time to practice making single coloured willow baskets first. I have a plan to make some wigwam structures for peas, runner beans,  sweet peas etc. 

    That's my plan anyway so we'll have to stay around!

    Take care Annette

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi   think the natter part of knit and natter would wear me out. Get some yarn and your needles out and have a go at knitting. I'm just a basic knitter and I'm currently doing myself a scarf. My dad was a good hand embroiderer and some of my stitching threads were originally his. Your difficult jigsaw sounds like my cross stitch, there must be 10-15 different shades of green. We can be determined together and compare progress.

    A x

  • Thanks  well done on the lovely blanket and the musical instrument sounds interesting. 

    A x

  • Ouch I've been told off 

  • Fab will look forward to it 

  • Oh no Ulls what do you mean? I'm confused.