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Lovely Morning no 7 Onwards and Upwards

  • 1059 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Morning start of another month.

This is a chit chat thread, talk about every days things as such..going for scan, bloods, how you fill , what you done today if anything. or a load of rubbish.


If you have a special subject to talk about please start a new thread.

Other thread was getting a bit full up.So new month new Thread.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Its alright for some, enjoy Annette xx

  • Good morning, bit of a grey day here in Peterborough. Dry though which is a plus but I think it's much the same everywhere except Scotland maybe.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Time they got on with it and let you know what is going on!! 

    M x 

  • Good morning tvman, it’s not raining here in Scotland yet where I am but it’s not far away.  Very grey at the moment. 

  • Morning everyone, hope your nights were good and you have good day ahead.  I think we will put my sleep in the “let’s move on from that one” list.  Bloody rotten lol.  Anyway never mind that, big day again with the rearranged early retirement meeting due at 1pm today.  In saying that they cancelled last minute last time around and I would not be surprised if that happened again!  Oh well, onwards and upwards and we shall see what occurs.  I will keep you posted Slight smile

    Have a good one all 

    M x 

  • Morning Morton/

    .I will not mention sleep, though i must sleep for England, j sorry, must have nicked other peoples.

    What a Beautiful Morning, frost on grass, but the sun is shinning, going to be a lovely day.

    Hopefully, things will get sorted today, fingers crossed, it is a day out, what else else  might you be doing lol./

     Waiting for my tea, tablet day, tea all lined up,

    Will be thinking of happy outcome. 


  • They can not say 

    100 per  cent if it is or is not, Done my bit, just Angry xxx

  • Ah, of course bone tablet day…I realised last night I am now taking 220 pills a week.  Amazing how quickly it all adds up.  I am going to practice today to pick up new prescription which should take 3 of them down to a single pill.  All for good though.  Thank you re meeting.  I feel your pain, my mother in law is described as a medical mystery, she has growths in lung, not cancer but they don’t know what they are.  Still haven’t worked it out, years later. 

    M x

  • Good Morning Morton and to everyone else, well 220 tablets per week is exactly twice mine, it's a full time job just remembering that many, good job we don't actually rattle or you would be getting a visit from noise abatement, I hope your works meeting goes smoothly 

  • LOL 220 pills, i would not have enough room to eat, lol.

    Makes you wonder how many tablets  there are for all conditions, mind boggles,

    Well Oncologist said, if cancer, she has a plan, but if it turns out not, all good,

    Though until 100per cent clear,  they could cause more damaged  than good, if started treatment

    Happy days, my bit has been done, it is the not knowing, that is the hardest, i think. xx