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Lovely Morning no 7 Onwards and Upwards

  • 1059 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Morning start of another month.

This is a chit chat thread, talk about every days things as such..going for scan, bloods, how you fill , what you done today if anything. or a load of rubbish.


If you have a special subject to talk about please start a new thread.

Other thread was getting a bit full up.So new month new Thread.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Good morning Elle, my mail is mostly appointments,  and a couple of lovely letters from a couple of elderly cousins who enjoy writing letters and receiving them, so I always reply with a letter. Another thread No7, I started something putting No1 up as "  Lovely Morning " anyway it can be funny. Have a good day xx


  • My mail is usually marriage proposals, invites to open fetes, motivational talks etc.

    I try to oblige as much as I can but don't want to spread myself too thinly.

    These invites came after changing my name to Baron Chancer, I Don't know if the two things are related.

    Had to turn down Charles today, his coronation invitation clashes with the Hamster Society AGM, can't miss that of course.

    Today just a quick chat with the Chairman of the Delusional Society, I'm a Life Fellow.

  • It is the taking part and also there's only 1 person there that knows I'm unwell and that's an old work friend and she just says looking good Mrs or how you doing but in a way you would say to any friend. It's quite refreshing to be 'normal' for a while. I am in my wheelchair but no body asks why I am and as the majority of what we do is seated I'm no different to anyone else, I might have struggled when they did bangra dancing mind but I was on holiday for that one

  • Have you lost the plot or drunk can not make my mind up, my mind is torn.

    Glad you are kept busy with all the functions 

  • That last one made me laugh, good for you.

  • Seize the day. Lucky I am healthy, couldn't do it all if I had cancer ... ooops!

  • That is great feeling normal, makes it even better.  Have you heared of Armchair Bangra Dancing Dancer  (made that up) But Mt sister used to go to Armchair Yoga, its all about joining in and your doing great. Onwards and upwards xx


  • I do think you've lost the plot A123, but it's very  very good to have a good imagination help to make the day go by. Then you woke up ha ha xx 


  • Hi EllieKate, I've never heard of Pimm's and needles, can I take it a girly thing.

  • Well I suppose that's what happens when you post a photo shopped photo on lots of dating sites, but I have no personal experience.