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Lovely Morning no 7 Onwards and Upwards

  • 1059 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Morning start of another month.

This is a chit chat thread, talk about every days things as such..going for scan, bloods, how you fill , what you done today if anything. or a load of rubbish.


If you have a special subject to talk about please start a new thread.

Other thread was getting a bit full up.So new month new Thread.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Not just yours Ellie my daughter like that 

  • Yes though have three and they all go home with a bag, xx

  • They must think mam has loads of money 

  • Well yes, they could do, will keep them guessing .

  • So you loved Ellie now you love Annette, a bit fickle perhaps Mr Ulls?

    Chopping and changing your mind, similar to your pal Mrs Sturgeon, am I a man, am I a woman?

    She never enquires about us genuine hormone driven half and halves.

    And don't say she's from a different country. If your not down here your are all from a different country and usually with blue faces.

    Now my New Skills report;

    Managed to get all my garden waste and landfill waste in the single bin.

    Threw all the leaves back into the woods from whence they came.

    Had a firm word with the moles, fatal consequences of continuing to burrow explained.

    Just realised these are not new skills, well, they were at one time, now being honed and improved upon.

    When I am fully qualified with genuine new skills I will post on the correct thread, until then using someone else's thread instead.

    I am so knowledgeable about threads, I should be a seamstress!

  • Well you have given thought to the fire as they say.

    The longest thread, i have ever seen you type, so your typing is improving as well.

  • In more ways than one

  • It should have been on the other person's thread where longer threads are the norm. But they are concerned with more serious matters and I usually post foolish matters on this thread which is owned by someone else.

    As long as I don't have to pay royalties for posting, I will try to share my knowledge evenly.

    I may even start a new daily thread and if that proves popular then an hourly thread.

    They did it on TV with continuous news so the demand is there.

    I may start a new thread asking if you want these new threads.

    People with a thread to this thread letting me know.

    Got to go, looks like medical people at the door.

  • Ho dear, you are so confused, the love I feel for the ladies on the group has nothing to do with sex or physical attraction, it's because the are lovely people more like sisters, in fact they would all make fabulous sisters. As for politics your welcome to your view