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Lovely Morning No 6, Spring will soon be here.

  • 976 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Another new one after Christmas No 5 has had over 900 replies, so new one and hopefully this will suit everyone.

Ellie xx

  • oh right no point to google then thanks xx

  • Ho Ellie being angry gets you know were, just keep your temper be firm and demanding, besides the gray suite with little arrows on might look good.

  • LOL Yes could see me in that, as well, different have to say.

    I will be firm and demanding, and take no nonsense, quiet used to that, in certain circumstances.

     Later xx

  • Morning all. Good wishes for your appointment Ellie. I hope you get some answers to whatever is the issue.

    I don't have anything planned for today. I should probably start trying to get some structure going and adapt to my new normal.

    Sending 'good day ' vibes to all.

  • Good Morning Lucy.

    Yes it does become a new Norm, and at times we have to learn to adjust not easy but can be done.

    Have to have me time when needed.

    Early days for you, can be hard , i am not used to just siting about, and that is the hardest thing for me, but know when   my   body has had enough. or some one tells me.

    Catch you later, got to sort handbag out. xx

  • Do what you want when you want Lucy.

    Don't feel you have to do anything that's not absolutely necessary.

    You will soon find a routine that suits your situation, it will happen naturally.

    Some people work like maniacs (Ellie) others do as little as possible.(me)

  • When I got up this morning I could not remember what day it was, I got shaved, showered, moisturised and dress, then as I was going downstairs, ping, it's Wednesday, so going to the bank to get next month's housekeeping money for spouse.

  • Well Well, round and round  and round we go where we land up no one knows.

    Well i   am an IGNIMA   some one had to tell e what it meant.

    What a day, but done with till the next time xx

  • I think you might also be an enigma! Glad you are staying with us until the next time.

  • Your right, you are always right  do not lie clever people,i like to be different. i checked after wards.

    Gives you some thing to  point out, i did it on purpose really,