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Lovely Morning No 6, Spring will soon be here.

  • 976 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Another new one after Christmas No 5 has had over 900 replies, so new one and hopefully this will suit everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Morning ellie!! Morning all...haven't been here a time , to much living lol. Well it's summer and i am mostly outside. Hope you all are doing alright?? Ellie??? 

    Sorry Morton , not so great news. Hope chemo will work...hugs Pet

  • Hi TVman, very much feel better and supported by everyone here.  My wife is not too bad, she had a difficullt night last night and was upset but overall she is very strong.  

  • Good morning all,  It’s a new day so let’s attack the day lol.  I am off to the football this morning, early kick off.  It will be nice to have a wee break from things and some fun.  Even though my team will lose lol 

    Thanks again for all your support it is very much appreciated by me and my better half 

    Happy Saturday all 

    M x 

  • Hi Morton68, I have just responded to your email, I'm pleased you have decided to post on the group, enjoy the football and wrap-up warm 

  • Good morning Morton, I'm  sorry you have a  poor prognosis. But they have a plan for you so that is a plus. Your a young man and are up for the fight. I haven't had chemo so can't coment, just surgery and immunotherapy, which I cope with well. Lots of trials going on,, so you can see a future. We're  all here for you . Enjoy your football,  xx


  • Hi pet, i am ok , lovely to be out side in the warm, does make you fill better,

    Lovely to catch up with you. xxx

  • Morning Ellie,  had a lovely day yesterday. Awful night I woke up 2am, very weak felt shattered,  no strength. Did my sugars very low 2.5 having a bad hypo, licozade jelly babies, nothing went down to 2.2 . Banana on toast and tea finally after an hour it went to 3 poor Ray was like my runner getting  this that and the othere anyway  3.45 gone to 4.2 so relaxed. Very upsetting and feel like poo today, so just resting xx


  • Hi sorry to hear that Moi, so you kept him on his toes, that's for sure,my daughter is a diabetic, , among other things, lol.

    Well a me day as we say, that's for sure,

    Well yesterday, when it seems everything not going right, well that was my world, lol though it did come in the three;s, every has to come in three;s and today, hopefully nothing, calm day lol. says me music blaring out.

    Bright and sunny here but cold,.

    Well you know that you have to rest, so do as you are told.


  • Tes that's what I'm doing, it's very bright and the sun is streaming in the windows, but think it's cold out there.Hope your OK yes things do come in 3s xx
