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Lovely Morning No 6, Spring will soon be here.

  • 976 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Another new one after Christmas No 5 has had over 900 replies, so new one and hopefully this will suit everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Pleased that you do, always here you know that. x

  • Absolutely,  I think I will sleep a wee bit tonight…I knew things weren’t going to be great so having it confirmed actually helps in a way.  Hope you get w a good sleep Ellie and everyone else 

    M x 

  • Well well well little F.

    Two peas from the same pod, both intelligent, good looking and modest, the pair of us!

    Should be a plaque there with our names on it! Great.

  • That chemo is a fearsome medicine to have on your side Morton.. Hopefully it will give your bad bits a severe kicking. You might feel a little bit ill, the tumours will feel far worse.

    And you have this motley crew cheering you on. Best wishes.

  • Hi Morton, sorry to read your post. However they told me I was borderline for a trial and 40/60% against, it would work but worth a try! I'm still here, so there's always hope if they give you options! Good luck. Hope today (Sat) is a better day for you.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you 123, I know and it’s good to have the option at least and the support of you all here.  I am sure I will give it a good kicking :) 

  • Thank you Annette, my doc did say that there are some other new things and trials in the pipeline so I am not giving up yet lol Plenty fight in my yet! 

    Hope you got some sleep tonight 

    M x 

  • Yes Morton, that's the spirit. Give it a good kicking indeed, the harder the better. I hope you are taking some comfort from the support and brotherhood from your friends here. Just wondering, how is your wife doing, obviously a big shock to her as well.

    In the MacMillan exercise class I go to once a week and a lady there has been given 12 months and she has a similar attitude. She had been clear for a year or two but it has come back. Her husband dropped dead suddenly just over a year ago.

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • Morning every one, not up long had a lie in, lovely,.

    Hope every one is well, and have a good day to look forward to.
