Newbie here.

  • 14 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi, have been lurking, have found the posts to be informative and funny, wasn't expecting that much humour from terminal cancer sufferers.

Will just keep lurking for a while thank you for reading this.

  • Welcome

    We have had a few newbies today, everyone is very welcome.

    Take you time, and when you fill ready start to post,

    You will be made very well, by everyone, go on any thread, that suits your needs at the time.every one here to support you and you will not be alone. 


  • Hi Achancer123 welcome to the club, hope you have a scence of humour 

  • Welcome   but sorry you find yourself here. Keep lurking if that is how you are comfortable, I believe there are quite a number of members here that simply read posts but do not post themselves. You can still gain support from just reading posts. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Achancer123 and welcome. I'm pleased you have come out of the closet, so to speak, stopped lurking, and popped in to say Hi, you are very welcome.

    Maybe now that you have posted once, you will find it easier to post again. I hope so!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Saw you on the other Good Morning thread. Welcome from me too. Rainie x

  • Hi chancer,

    Welcome to the group. We all like a laugh, think it keeps us going. The virtual parties are the best!

    Keep lurking but don't be shy,

    A x

  • Hi Chell and all fellow warriors. I haven't been on the forums for many months. I have in the last week came off treatment and now moved to just palliative care. I did manage to make it to 2023 which has been longer than expected so that's good news. I have had around 5 levels of treatment so it's fair to say I haven't given in easily! It's nice to just sit back and relax now safe in the knowledge that I dont have to endure various scans, failed canula insertions, blood tests, waiting for nhs phone calls, nasty medication side effects and above all, multiple  trips to the hospital. 

    I will still need meds and care of course but like most of us on here, it's time to sit back, reflect on all the wonderful times my life has given and appreciate all the people around me who love and care for me, even if just in just passing. (Please forgive the pun!)

    I would like to give a thought to everyone .... enjoy life when you can, however you can and wherever you can. Simply saying hi on here means you have connected with someone. You never know, you could have made a real positive difference to them. 

    Hi everyone and I hope today is a great day for you! 

    Kind regards

    Sally xxx

  • Hi I have no words, glad you are at peace with your life now.

    I hope when my time is coming to a closure, i have the courage to accept it, with the dignity you have.

    You are in my thoughts,

    Ellie xx,

  • Hi Sal, and a warm welcome to you. I was sorry to read you had split from your husband but relived to here that you have found another to share your life with, that's terrific! I finished treatment on 16/10/2016 and I know exactly what you mean about the scans, trying to get a cannula fitted etc etc. Although I still get scans and blood tests, they are further apart than at the beginning.

    Your hose barge on the canal sounds lovely as you could, if you choose, to wake up in a different place, every day! Making memories is what it's all about, and just Seize the day, every day and enjoy it.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!